*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

Two weeks ago I spent hours painting the nursery - had put masking tape up on the ceiling and when I took it off, it peeled all the paint off the ceiling! I went downstairs and just burst into tears! My OH was trying to calm me down and saying we would sort it and half an hour later he went up and sanded all the cracked paint for me. Yesterday I painted the ceiling and now, apart from a new carpet, it's all done.

But the hormones didn't help the situation!

Carly - I know what you mean but doesn't mean baby is engaged yet necessarily, probably just getting comfortable! My midwife said at my 28w appointment that baby was head down. I had my 31w appointment this week and it's still head down which is good as it's unlikely to move now. But I am starting to feel very uncomfortable. In the last couple of days driving is uncomfortable because the baby is putting pressure on my ribs and kicking right up where my bra is!
Hi ladies, I finished for my mat leave today!!!! Well, I say that but first 4 wk is leave as I work part time but anyway, Im so glad as my spd is just getting worse and worse by the day. Have you ladies thought about your labour? Im planning a home birth and hoping its quick! Lol xxx
Hi ladies, I finished for my mat leave today!!!! Well, I say that but first 4 wk is leave as I work part time but anyway, Im so glad as my spd is just getting worse and worse by the day. Have you ladies thought about your labour? Im planning a home birth and hoping its quick! Lol xxx

I bet that's a lovely feeling Selina, that you can slow down now.

I've got 18 working days left, and I'm beginning to slow down as my maternity cover starts full time on Monday so i'll definitely be trying to take a back seat. My hips/pelvis are sore and i'm really feeling it now, despite the physio helping and doing my exercises.

Luckily, i've also got a few midwife appts coming up so that will mean a few half days at work to help me get through. I hope holding out at work, for the sake of 11 days full pay over xmas works out and that baby doesn't appear before the 31st December as then i'll go on maternity pay immediately! It's a gamble, but i'm gonna give it a go.

I've taken some time to have a bit of a pamper today - had my haircut and coloured, not had it coloured in a whole year! I've also had my nails done, but I have that done once a month. My lovely mum has treated me to some new pjs and some new smart jogger type trousers as only my work trousers fit at the moment. So, i'm at least feeling a tad more human and pretty, despite being the size of a whale!!

Alipops x
Two weeks ago I spent hours painting the nursery - had put masking tape up on the ceiling and when I took it off, it peeled all the paint off the ceiling! I went downstairs and just burst into tears! My OH was trying to calm me down and saying we would sort it and half an hour later he went up and sanded all the cracked paint for me. Yesterday I painted the ceiling and now, apart from a new carpet, it's all done.

But the hormones didn't help the situation!

Carly - I know what you mean but doesn't mean baby is engaged yet necessarily, probably just getting comfortable! My midwife said at my 28w appointment that baby was head down. I had my 31w appointment this week and it's still head down which is good as it's unlikely to move now. But I am starting to feel very uncomfortable. In the last couple of days driving is uncomfortable because the baby is putting pressure on my ribs and kicking right up where my bra is!

Baby has been laying across me until I felt the pressure change. I'd been in agony with my ribs. Assuming he's got a bit more comfortable, and so am I thank god lol.

I used frog tape in the nursery and honestly didn't take a fleck of paint off! It's about £5 a roll but it went far. Obviously future reference lol. I definitely feel more emotional these last couple of weeks x
Lol yes I’ve thought about labor a lot ���� I’m having mine in a hospital with every drug they will give me including the epidural �� in so terrified of how much it’s going to hurt I haven’t really thought of much else lol
You're all so organised! I'm just trying to take my time and spend less money this time. I have it in my head that theres always a 24/7 asda if we don't have something we need.

I didn't even looknat blacl friday deals! Anyone else?

I figured i won't need the cot for 6 months, i can use the wrap and buggy for a bit until its a good time to buy a double buggy if needed.

I think my priorities are... A set of drawers so i can wash clothes and see if i actually have much newborn at all as i gave so much away and told people to pass it on ��. Think I'm good for some bigger sizes though as ingot some stuff back. And probably another priority is hospital bag.. I'm kind of expecting another fast labour so i want to be prepared.
Lol yes I’ve thought about labor a lot ���� I’m having mine in a hospital with every drug they will give me including the epidural �� in so terrified of how much it’s going to hurt I haven’t really thought of much else lol

I'm starting to think about what's ahead labour wise too Mystery - I miss the unknown and slight ignorance I willingly had the first time! This time, I do feel quite nervous/anxious, but i'm hoping once it starts it'll be a case of mind over matter.

With Zac, my waters went about 2am [17 days before his due date!] and he was born at 7:58am. It was unexpectedly fast so by time they realised, I could only have gas and air. I ended up having to be cut, so they gave me an injection just before then to numb the area.

I've heard 2nd labours can be faster - has anyone found this to be true?

My only hope is when it starts, that's it, it doesn't tail off!

Alipops x
You're all so organised! I'm just trying to take my time and spend less money this time. I have it in my head that theres always a 24/7 asda if we don't have something we need.

I didn't even looknat blacl friday deals! Anyone else?

I figured i won't need the cot for 6 months, i can use the wrap and buggy for a bit until its a good time to buy a double buggy if needed.

I think my priorities are... A set of drawers so i can wash clothes and see if i actually have much newborn at all as i gave so much away and told people to pass it on ��. Think I'm good for some bigger sizes though as ingot some stuff back. And probably another priority is hospital bag.. I'm kind of expecting another fast labour so i want to be prepared.

I didn't even look at the Black Friday deals either Mel - too much temptation for me and i'm trying really hard to save money at the moment but it seems to be one thing after another; unexpected tax bill and now I need, fairly desperately, 2 front tyres on my car!

Luckily, Christmas is sorted - we got Zac's presents ages ago so that's one expense sorted and we've sorted our families gifts, but we only really buy for the kids nowadays so it's not too expensive.

I've got a hospital bag of sorts ready, and the baby bag is definitely ready. I don't finish work for another 18 working days, so by then i'll be 37 weeks, worryingly I had Zac at 37+4 days, so feeling like i'm cutting it fine, but if she doesn't appear until due date then at least i'll have maximised my normal pay as my maternity leave isn't officially starting until the 31st December, unless she appears before!

Alipops x
Hi ladies, I finished for my mat leave today!!!! Well, I say that but first 4 wk is leave as I work part time but anyway, Im so glad as my spd is just getting worse and worse by the day. Have you ladies thought about your labour? Im planning a home birth and hoping its quick! Lol xxx

I bet that's a lovely feeling Selina, that you can slow down now.

I've got 18 working days left, and I'm beginning to slow down as my maternity cover starts full time on Monday so i'll definitely be trying to take a back seat. My hips/pelvis are sore and i'm really feeling it now, despite the physio helping and doing my exercises.

Luckily, i've also got a few midwife appts coming up so that will mean a few half days at work to help me get through. I hope holding out at work, for the sake of 11 days full pay over xmas works out and that baby doesn't appear before the 31st December as then i'll go on maternity pay immediately! It's a gamble, but i'm gonna give it a go.

I've taken some time to have a bit of a pamper today - had my haircut and coloured, not had it coloured in a whole year! I've also had my nails done, but I have that done once a month. My lovely mum has treated me to some new pjs and some new smart jogger type trousers as only my work trousers fit at the moment. So, i'm at least feeling a tad more human and pretty, despite being the size of a whale!!

Alipops x

I struggled to sit in the chair for hours when I had my hair done months ago but would love that! Im booked in for a bikini wax on wed and Im dreading it but know it will be worth it! I spent £200 in black Friday sale for baby and lo but that was me done! I did get a pushchair too which we should have got when my lo was about 1 so bit the bullet and got a cheap one. Losing space in the car is a huge factor! X
Baby has been laying across me until I felt the pressure change. I'd been in agony with my ribs. Assuming he's got a bit more comfortable, and so am I thank god lol.

I used frog tape in the nursery and honestly didn't take a fleck of paint off! It's about £5 a roll but it went far. Obviously future reference lol. I definitely feel more emotional these last couple of weeks x
I use frog tape all the time but think the paint on the ceiling that the people who lived here before us put up was just really cheap so I ended up having to paint the ceiling too, even though I wasn't intending to! Anyway, it looks all fresh and clean in there now.
I feel like I'm a little in denial about babies arrival. I've done a lot of thinking about how things will work with the rest of the family. I've got the essentials but it's almost like she's missing out as our first son we did so much preparation for.
I was induced at edd+12 with my eldest, 8 1/2 hour labour with waters broken, pethidine and gas and air. With our second I woke up in labour at 6am and delivered at 10.57 with paracetamol and gas and air, no idea where my waters broke as they had gone long before birth, possibly in the bath that morning. Both times I used a tens machine which I'll have to see if I can find. I really wanted a water birth last time but ended up in a different room. Maybe this time!

I've got 7 working days left!
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Baby has been laying across me until I felt the pressure change. I'd been in agony with my ribs. Assuming he's got a bit more comfortable, and so am I thank god lol.

I used frog tape in the nursery and honestly didn't take a fleck of paint off! It's about £5 a roll but it went far. Obviously future reference lol. I definitely feel more emotional these last couple of weeks x
I use frog tape all the time but think the paint on the ceiling that the people who lived here before us put up was just really cheap so I ended up having to paint the ceiling too, even though I wasn't intending to! Anyway, it looks all fresh and clean in there now.

Oh no! Least it's all sorted now :)

Have you any pics? I'll see if I can upload mine x
All this getting organised is Sounding good ladies!! I haven’t bought anything in the sale either but still need to get my Xmas shopping done! Feeling like we’ve been so busy with the house move that time is just running away! I’m not expecting an early delivery before Xmas so should be fine for baby’s stuff yet. But going to get it all washed and ready next week. We’re going to get the crib after Xmas. (Assuming baby stays put) . Baby doesn’t have its own room so no nursery for us to sort, it has a set of drawers in Harley’s room. It will eventually share that room with him. I’ve felt unwell this weekend, and i am convinced baby turned head down on Sunday! Was in agony all night and then felt hiccups really low down and they’re usually high. So we shall see. Had scan & consultant Thursday and it was footling breech still. All ok otherwise. Heads on the large side (which is normal for me!) and weighing estimated 4lb 8oz. So a good size , no concerns. Lots of movement today, also what’s making me feel like it’s moved , as I don’t usually feel all of this. Just hoping or doesn’t turn back!

Just some symptoms - Lots of Braxton Hicks.
More watery discharge.
Pressure Pains getting worse when walking.

Midwife on 4th.
Consultant & scan on 21st.

X x
Oh no! Least it's all sorted now :)

Have you any pics? I'll see if I can upload mine x
Well at the moment there's nothing in there apart from a futon that we are going to get rid of and a horrible green carpet!

So once we've got the furniture in there and a nice carpet (if we get round to getting that fitted before baby comes!) then I'll post a pic! Building up a nice little collection of things though and going to order the cot bed this week - already have the moses basket ready! :)
Oh no! Least it's all sorted now :)

Have you any pics? I'll see if I can upload mine x
Well at the moment there's nothing in there apart from a futon that we are going to get rid of and a horrible green carpet!

So once we've got the furniture in there and a nice carpet (if we get round to getting that fitted before baby comes!) then I'll post a pic! Building up a nice little collection of things though and going to order the cot bed this week - already have the moses basket ready! :)

Good to be organised :) such a lovely feeling, makes it real.

Can't get my pics to upload but nursery is about done x
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Evening Ladies,

So another midwife appointment today, and some more drama from the Diva that is my daughter!
I passed the 2nd glucose test, but today, I had 2+ glucose in my urine and i'm 34 weeks tomorrow, but measuring 37 weeks and baby is head down.

So, i'm being sent back to the hospital for a 3rd glucose test and a growth scan - midwife thinks one way or another i'll end up being induced as something isn't adding up. If it's not Gestational Diabetes, then it could be too much fluid.

Hopefully hospital will phone with some dates/times tomorrow for the test/scan. I'll then see a consultant to sort out the next steps. xx
Did midwife think baby may come early Alipops? Or can they not really tell?
Hi girls,
Loving how we're all getting ready for the pending arrivals! We pretty much have everything on order / bought. Still waiting on the keys to our house so nothing really set up yet as not sure where we will be when baby arrives!
My heartburn is so bad these days! Doctor prescribed zantac which if anything seems to have made it worse somehow!! Anyone any suggestions that worked for them on reducing it??
Did midwife think baby may come early Alipops? Or can they not really tell?

She seems to think so - I had a growth scan today and baby is only a tiny bit above average so nothing to worry about there. She's firmly head down though!
There was also no glucose in my urine this afternoon - but i'm still to have my glucose test on Friday [3rd time lucky!].

However, I'm now starting to reconsider my maternity leave. I'm 34 weeks today and finding the 50 min drive there and back especially now baby is head down, plus rushing around for all these medical appointments, plus dealing with SEN teenagers quite taxing. My maternity cover has started, so that's rocking the boat as it's a new face and i'm finding I just can't keep up physically. However, i'm also conscious of finances, so i'm wondering if i've any hope of getting signed off by the docs for the last 2 weeks - then start maternity leave at 36 weeks, on 17th December.

I've never been off sick or been signed off, but I feel like i've dragged myself this far, I almost deserve 2 weeks signed off before I start maternity leave early at 36 weeks. Plus, depending on glucose results - I may have GD or they may treat me as if I have GD due to the glucose in urine being so regular.

What do you think girls? xx
Did midwife think baby may come early Alipops? Or can they not really tell?

She seems to think so - I had a growth scan today and baby is only a tiny bit above average so nothing to worry about there. She's firmly head down though!
There was also no glucose in my urine this afternoon - but i'm still to have my glucose test on Friday [3rd time lucky!].

However, I'm now starting to reconsider my maternity leave. I'm 34 weeks today and finding the 50 min drive there and back especially now baby is head down, plus rushing around for all these medical appointments, plus dealing with SEN teenagers quite taxing. My maternity cover has started, so that's rocking the boat as it's a new face and i'm finding I just can't keep up physically. However, i'm also conscious of finances, so i'm wondering if i've any hope of getting signed off by the docs for the last 2 weeks - then start maternity leave at 36 weeks, on 17th December.

I've never been off sick or been signed off, but I feel like i've dragged myself this far, I almost deserve 2 weeks signed off before I start maternity leave early at 36 weeks. Plus, depending on glucose results - I may have GD or they may treat me as if I have GD due to the glucose in urine being so regular.

What do you think girls? xx

Check out sickness leading up to maternity cause I know in some cases it can cause your maternity leave to kick in. Not sure of the terms. I've just reduced my hours cause I'm struggling come 2pm. I sit at a desk but it becomes unbearable by then. I suppose if it takes you 50 minutes though you would be even less willing to want to travel to be there less time x

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