*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

Anyone else feeling sick like the early days �� x
Wow you are still working? Not surprised you are hoping for some peace before :lol:

I have noticed the nesting seems to be starting, today I've been crazed cleaning and washing :shock:
Yeah just tomorrow to go. To be fair it was full time up until Christmas and then part time for the 2 weeks after that due to all the bank holidays. I am freelance so taking all the money I can get!

I know some women who literally started Mat leave a week to 10 days before their due date! It’s 17 days for me! ��
Wow you are still working? Not surprised you are hoping for some peace before :lol:

I have noticed the nesting seems to be starting, today I've been crazed cleaning and washing :shock:
Yeah just tomorrow to go. To be fair it was full time up until Christmas and then part time for the 2 weeks after that due to all the bank holidays. I am freelance so taking all the money I can get!

I know some women who literally started Mat leave a week to 10 days before their due date! It’s 17 days for me! ��

I started 22/12 but I'd already reduced my hours. I couldn't stay awake beyond 3pm :lol: don't blame you getting all the money while you can though xx
Ah man I really loved the idea of sharing my bday (today) with baby, but no signs! 4 days til due date eek!!

Good luck everyone!! Let’s see these lovely babies arrive safely and happily! ��
karenb I share my birthday with my eldest. Our second is a day before MIL and I'm hoping this one arrives on my sisters birthday just because she's hoping not!!!
Finished work! Isn’t it the weirdest feeling?! Still, I know I’ll end up just doing lots of chores!
Finished work! Isn’t it the weirdest feeling?! Still, I know I’ll end up just doing lots of chores!

Doesn't quite feel real still! I was on a total ocd mission Wednesday, busy a bit yesterday, then today felt nauseous and slept for about 12 hours. Think the novelty has worn off lol x
karenb I share my birthday with my eldest. Our second is a day before MIL and I'm hoping this one arrives on my sisters birthday just because she's hoping not!!!

Ahh :) everyone kept saying hope baby doesn’t come today so you can have your own special day but I’m really not fussed about my bday now and think it’d be lovely to share! Never mind hey!!
Pleased you had a good birthday Karen, hope baby soon arrives.

Well, I think my waters have gone. Just felt like they had, shuttled to the toilet and I’m sure they’ve gushed out. Slightly tricky to tell as I needed a wee too! However, getting a few aches now so feeling confident it was waters. Trying to wait it out a bit until I need to ring mum to come over and watch Zac. It’s been nearly an hour now, see how things get on. I was only six hrs having Zac so don’t want to push my luck!

I’m also going for the positive mental attitude approach - even though I know what’s potentially coming!
I’ve told OH but letting him sleep a bit longer!

Alipops x
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Exciting!! Fx for a quick labour Ali.

I got my date yesterday - 18th January (which I’m miffed about as they had said originally 37 weeks which was this Thursday) but hey ho..

I’ve stupidly read about induction today. Hmm.. I think I’ll be reaching for the epidural!
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Im excited for all of you, i hope your labours and c sections all go very smoothly. I cant believe we are day 9 already. It sounds like such a cliche but i just dont understand how its gone so fast- i dont remember that many nights at home and feel like im just back from hospital.

Becausd he was born fast & back to back my recovery is rubbjsh this time. In fact it declined slightly to the point where i could barely stand up. I think im slowly on the mend now and quite determined to get out of the house today. So far i have only made it to a doctor's appt- cabin fever doesn't describe what im feeling!!

Baby is doing Really well, gave me a fright with going blue and holding his breath a few times but the doctor is confident its reflux. I was nervpus as he had a colour change after birth and wasnt doing too well at birth, i think it was basically all too fast. We got the all clear on wednesday for downs syndrome, he was tested for showing a couple (but not many) markers so that was a stressful time. They alsi struggled to get blood and then made a mkstake and put it in thr freezer, so it had to be repeated.

Im waiting for my new (2nd hand) pram to be delivered by family in a few weeks which is exciting. I opted for the baby jogger city select.

O.s sorry for my typos, my smashed screen is making it harder to see them all and im a bit lazy!

Any news sugar and alipops?? So exciting!!
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Pleased you had a good birthday Karen, hope baby soon arrives.

Well, I think my waters have gone. Just felt like they had, shuttled to the toilet and I’m sure they’ve gushed out. Slightly tricky to tell as I needed a wee too! However, getting a few aches now so feeling confident it was waters. Trying to wait it out a bit until I need to ring mum to come over and watch Zac. It’s been nearly an hour now, see how things get on. I was only six hrs having Zac so don’t want to push my luck!

I’m also going for the positive mental attitude approach - even though I know what’s potentially coming!
I’ve told OH but letting him sleep a bit longer!

Alipops x

Good luck!!!
Oh that's very exciting alipops, hope things are progressing well!!
Mel there's just so much going on in the first few weeks, it's hard to keep up! Did your little boy have ds markers before birth or did they pick up things when he was born? Glad he's got the all clear but what a stressful time going through testing too.
My ds screening came back about 1 in 86,000 so it was quite a shock to hear he should be tested. That said, the consultant was always fairly confident he Didnt have it, staff had raised concerns and he felt the best thing was to test so we could know for sure.

They will check the rest of his.chromosomes for other syndromes, but we are hoping for the all clear on Monday/tuesday.

He is such a good and very sleep boy so far, I'm having to wake him for feeds quite often. Hes very placid amd only really cries at nappy cjanges. In fact im still in bed now only because he's sleeping... Im stsrving and ready to get up. Almost 2 years of either teerible nights or early mornings and jm not used to these lie ins (my husband is off and got up with my toddler).

It was a bit more traumatic this time but enough time has passed for me to say id do it again haha! Id be terrified but they are so worth it. It would be a bigger consideration next time tho, we would need a bigger house. Also mkdwife recommended a gap betweeb pregnnacies or they'll be harder.
Sounds like he's settling in nicely!! And great that you're not chasing your tail and getting a chance to rest.
I'm just looking forward to school going back next week, then ds2 will have toddlers and playgroup a couple of days. He is such a mummy's boy so any holiday periods just seem to make it worse. Spent some mummy time with ds 1 yesterday though which was lovely just to catch up with him and chat over his feelings about his sister arriving.
Just a quick update, as I’m still exhausted and on strong pain medication! We had our cesearean on 4th jan, there were complications but our PINK bundle was born weighing 7lb 1oz, so in love and over the moon! :) good look ali and anyone else having signs x
Aww a little girl sugar! Congratulations!!

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