*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

Congrats Mel! Exciting babies are now arriving! Ours will be here Tuesday via c-section assuming I don’t go into labour before. X
alipops mine were very different with our first being induced. Our youngest was only a couple of hours of established labour, my biggest worry is getting childcare in time.
I had a mw appointment this morning and she's booked me in for a sweep at 40+4. I told her I'd see her before then, wishful thinking!!! More bloods taken today to check on anaemia. And baby is still only 2/5ths engaged. I've spent most of today clearing out clothes and trying to put Christmas gifts away, there is just so much and the mess is killing me!!!
alipops mine were very different with our first being induced. Our youngest was only a couple of hours of established labour, my biggest worry is getting childcare in time.
I had a mw appointment this morning and she's booked me in for a sweep at 40+4. I told her I'd see her before then, wishful thinking!!! More bloods taken today to check on anaemia. And baby is still only 2/5ths engaged. I've spent most of today clearing out clothes and trying to put Christmas gifts away, there is just so much and the mess is killing me!!!

So did you have natural labour after induced first time? I was induced with my daughter and really don’t want that again!!
Congratulations Mel!

I'm due in 23 days but I have experienced some niggles today. Like period pains under my bump, then period like back pain tonight along with a few bouts of Braxton hicks through the day. I am a good size so not too worried if he comes early. Hopefully it's just body getting ready :) xx
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Congrats Mel!!! Thrilled for you!!!

I've got my growth scan today. I suppose its possible if they decide baby isn't growing I may be induced but we'll see. I have been eating like a horse the last few days for the first time in 9 months haha. I've been feeling really sick though as per, had a few bouts of diahorrea too. I THINK I've started to loose mucus plug but not really sure. Baby only had 2/5 to go to fully engaged at last appointment and I'm sure I've felt them moving down since. They've been turning round (front to back & back again) a lot and I've been in a lot of pain between aches, nerves being pressed on and the odd period pain. I think its been more about baby's position but what do I know - its my first baby!

Will let you know how I get on with scan
karenb yes my first I had two sweeps but ended up with pessary induction at 12 days over. With our second I woke up in labour at 4 days over, no sweeps or anything before that. I wonder that my body knew what to do second time around.
congratulations Mel !
Our first baby! Yay! What a good size too. :)

Well I’ve had an eventful week or so. Christmas was busy, but we’ve had a great time. But the appointment last week showed baby had turned back to footling breech, and on Thursday is still in that position, so we have a section date of the 4th of jan!! :) eeek. 5 more sleeps!!

I’ll be 2 weeks early but all will be fine, having 2 lots of steroids next week on the tues and weds.

For anyone who has had a baby before, they CAN come out of head down position late on, even from being engaged!!! Like our naughty baby did!! We will be scanned on the day to make sure, but not expecting any change in position.
Aww congrats Mel!! My baby girl is 3/5ths engaged and I’m 18days from due still haven’t had this “lightning” or felt like bumps dropped yet even this she’s engaged lol just taking it day by day
congratulations Mel !
Our first baby! Yay! What a good size too. :)

Well I’ve had an eventful week or so. Christmas was busy, but we’ve had a great time. But the appointment last week showed baby had turned back to footling breech, and on Thursday is still in that position, so we have a section date of the 4th of jan!! :) eeek. 5 more sleeps!!

I’ll be 2 weeks early but all will be fine, having 2 lots of steroids next week on the tues and weds.

For anyone who has had a baby before, they CAN come out of head down position late on, even from being engaged!!! Like our naughty baby did!! We will be scanned on the day to make sure, but not expecting any change in position.
Ah good date to be born - that's my birthday! :)

Hope all goes well and look forward to hearing the news!
Congratulations mel!!
Exciting times sugar! Let us know how it goes!
So ready to have baby out, can't wait to meet her. But doctor said her head wasn't even engaged at all when I had my appointment this week so I think I'll be in for a wait!!
It’s all go ladies - we shall have more babies arrive next week, it’s so exciting!

Nothing to report from me really - had some right tightening and aches last night but all went calm when I went to bed. I’ve been trying to keep active, in case that helps but to be honest I’ve almost given up now and reckon I’ll be in for a long wait, regardless of what midwife said. I keep reminding myself she’s not due until 10-01 so can’t be too impatient about it!

Alipops x
congratulations Mel !
Our first baby! Yay! What a good size too. :)

Well I’ve had an eventful week or so. Christmas was busy, but we’ve had a great time. But the appointment last week showed baby had turned back to footling breech, and on Thursday is still in that position, so we have a section date of the 4th of jan!! :) eeek. 5 more sleeps!!

I’ll be 2 weeks early but all will be fine, having 2 lots of steroids next week on the tues and weds.

For anyone who has had a baby before, they CAN come out of head down position late on, even from being engaged!!! Like our naughty baby did!! We will be scanned on the day to make sure, but not expecting any change in position.

I’m having a section on Tuesday (2nd) so we’ll def be having 2 babies arrive next week! Best of luck sugar, I’m getting nervous as I know what’s to come this time 😬
Thanks! It’s very exciting - and scary! I had an emergency crash section with my last baby, Other 3 were natural deliveries , so I’m really anxious this time.

Yes two more babies arriving. So far! :)

That’s all the Xmas decks down tonight! Finish off sorting house and last bits in place for baby. In absolute agony, never had a breech baby before , let alone footling breech, I’m onky 5” 2 so it has no room!! :( it’s head and placenta (anterior) are up high and crushing me! :( Cannot wait to meet her / him ! X x
Good luck hoping :)

And happy birthday for the 4th Kathryn ! :)
How exciting.. some of you are hours away from meeting your small people!!

Good luck! Xx
Good luck ladies with dates :) I’m pretty sure we r all anxious to meet our little bundles in the days and weeks to come
Been having pains since around 10.30pm so little lady may be arriving earlier than the 2nd. Currently on sofa downstairs as too uncomfy in bed. Hard to know if just BH or the real deal as I haven’t had BH before...just nervous to leave it too long to go in as I’m having a section. Thinking best to try and get some sleep and see how I’m doing in a few hours.
Been having pains since around 10.30pm so little lady may be arriving earlier than the 2nd. Currently on sofa downstairs as too uncomfy in bed. Hard to know if just BH or the real deal as I haven’t had BH before...just nervous to leave it too long to go in as I’m having a section. Thinking best to try and get some sleep and see how I’m doing in a few hours.

Thinking of you - Hope things have continued and you’ve made your way in. X

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