*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

We had Midwife yesterday. Baby is really low down and engaged 4/5, but some midwives write this differently so if you See any of these figures just don’t pay too much attention to it. I’m not as 2 weeks ago baby was 1/5.. some write how much of the baby’s head they can feel, some write how far it’s engaged. It’s confusing. and it’s no real indicator of labour as this is my 5th and it’s already been engaged for over 2 weeks.. just means it’s soon! But we all know that anyway! Had really bad contractions yesterday. Started timing them. But they eased off eventually. collected baby’s crib last night, we have a snuzpod. I love it! :) need to wrap the boys presents and then we’re all sorted. Feeling good! Got consultant and scan on Thursday. Oh, have hair appt today and eyebrow tomorrow.. yay! Haha :)
Ah, I have a page in my maternity notes to fill out. I wasn't going to bother but my midwife says she gets audited on them so I'll put something in.
I had bloods done last week and I am anaemic, started on ferrous fumarate at the end of last week. There just seemed to be a real shift in how I've been feeling, can't figure out if it's just the tail end of pregnancy or the iron.
Ah, I have a page in my maternity notes to fill out. I wasn't going to bother but my midwife says she gets audited on them so I'll put something in.
I had bloods done last week and I am anaemic, started on ferrous fumarate at the end of last week. There just seemed to be a real shift in how I've been feeling, can't figure out if it's just the tail end of pregnancy or the iron.

What about this Birth plan though? I think It's like your wishes in each eventuality so say like pain relief, or if i wanted a water birth or whatever?
Have you had your 34w appointment with your midwife yet Carly? Birth plan is discussed then.

I had mine last week although mine is quite straight forward and it was just a tick the box exercise to make sure I understood all my options. Fortunately I understood most of it from doing NCT so it wasn't too long.
Can you believe we're almost there ladies!? Its only a few weeks to go!!! Was worried about reduced movements yesterday, they were still moving but so gently compared to the usual. Of course then daddy put his hand on and they went totally wild so that cheered me right up! Today they've been fighting to get out haha.

Feels like they've moved down even more today, keep feeling like I'm about to poo myself hahaha. Have been feeling quite sick and had really bad acid as well, but will speak to midwife about that on Thursday. I think this is the week we discuss birth plan, I'm not sure if I'm meant to fill out the notes myself or let her do it? Up until now she's written all of them herself. Just thought if I wrote it in it would save time since I know what I want.

Has anyone got plans in mind? As long as I don't get meconium or an emergency situation I'm hoping for a water hypnobirth. Hubby is trained in meditation techniques and I've been meditating and doing yoga on/off for years so I'm quite excited about it really. (Basically hypnobirth is about trying to focus breathing and meditation to stay relaxed over just taking a bunch of meds which can slow down labour. There is a specific course but we're just going to do it ourselves).
I dont think anyone looked at my birth plan maybe because i was basically told to push on arrival so maybe too fast to look at it? ! Midwife hasnt mentioned it but i have an appt thursday so will see, im not too fussed about it tbh.

I have slightly less rib pain today but constant pain from waist down so i think he has maybe dropped? I dont think this one will come early like my last as he's my second but i'm getting desperate, keep having to carry my toddler distances, play on the floor and juggle entertainment with housework all a bit painful.

Think ill book an induction as discussed with midwife and obstetrician so that i don't go over at least!

All of our symptoms are sounding similar, wonder who is first?!

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Yeah my birth plan is basically go with the flow. I'd like to avoid an epidural as I'd have to stay in. First time I was induced, used tens and gas and air, and pethidine with an episiotomy. Second time was spontaneous labour, bath, tens paracetamol and gas and air. Skin to skin after and vitamin k for baby. Tbh I don't think anyone read my birth plans, but I knew what my wishes were. I think it's just a way to focus your thoughts and air any strong beliefs one way or another.
Anyone else getting the odd stabbing pain down below?? Feels like baby is punching me in the privates lol! Walking is not too comfortable, don’t remember this discomfort with my daughter!!
Yes Karenb I can feel their wee fists punching and sometimes them flexing their fingers and poking me! Its quite strange!! I am hoping I go early cos I'm getting too excited now and I don't want to wait anymore!!
Yes Karen I’m getting loads of uncomfortable moments and prods down there and everywhere really!

Got a date for my section - it’s 2nd Jan. So only a week and 6 days to go (unless baby decides to come earlier)! I’ll be 39 + 4. I’m a lot more organised now. Just need to sort hospital bags.
Back to back bh through the night or so it felt as i had one everytime i woke. Actually feel a bit painful this time, i had them very often in first pregnancy so thats not unusual, its just the pain that weirded be out. In fact i went to bed early which is weird for me.

37 weeks on friday, anyone else close to me on dates?
I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday Mel!
Definitely getting a lot more bh than I've ever had but nothing regular!
I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday (Christmas Eve!) as well. My sis is convinced I'm having a "6lb girl on Christmas Day". Though I have no idea why?! Her first was born on Christmas Day at 2 days overdue so not sure why she thinks I'll be early. We don't know the gender though she might have something right! Haha
Have you had your 34w appointment with your midwife yet Carly? Birth plan is discussed then.

I had mine last week although mine is quite straight forward and it was just a tick the box exercise to make sure I understood all my options. Fortunately I understood most of it from doing NCT so it wasn't too long.

Yeah my 34 week last Monday, just just told me to look at my birth plan. I am not sure, but maybe she means look at it with one of the stand in midwifes as shes not in now. Ill be 36 weeks on Christmas eve, got to go to a hospital clinic on boxing day at the hospital, so ill mention it then i think x
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Afternoon All,

I'm 37 weeks today - I had Zachary on 37+4 so I'm almost getting nervous this baby may make an appearance, but apart from the usual aches and pains nothing to convince me she'll arrive that early.

Midwife is coming out to see me the day after Boxing Day for my 38 week appointment.

I can't decide when is best for baby to arrive, if she's coming early. I've told her she's got until Friday this week, otherwise she needs to stay put over xmas eve/xmas day/boxing day. After Boxing day, we have no real plans so I don't mind!

Purely selfishly, I do love everything edible about xmas so no alcohol/no pate etc is going to be a tough ask - I shall have to have my xmas foods in January when she's arrived I think! haha

Alipops x
I’m the same Alipops! The pate, cheese and drinks I will miss so much!! Got to have a catch up in January of everything I haven’t been able to have!
I’m the same Alipops! The pate, cheese and drinks I will miss so much!! Got to have a catch up in January of everything I haven’t been able to have!

I’m going to have to resort to the Tin of Quality Street to accompany my j20 haha!
Just been to midwife for 36 week appt. (Actually 36+4).

Bump had been consistently measuring at the following week (so at 32+4 measured 33 weeks, at 34+4 measured 35 etc) but should have measured 37 weeks this week and only measuring 35. Heart rate and movements good so she said its not outrageous but she's going to "plot the graph" and possibly get me a growth scan. Anyone ever had this happen at a late stage like this? I've only known people who've had underweight babies the whole way through. I'm quite worried as up until now plenty wrong with me but baby had been stellar so getting concerned!!

They are also 2/5 from being fully engaged now so lower than last time
Just been to midwife for 36 week appt. (Actually 36+4).

Bump had been consistently measuring at the following week (so at 32+4 measured 33 weeks, at 34+4 measured 35 etc) but should have measured 37 weeks this week and only measuring 35. Heart rate and movements good so she said its not outrageous but she's going to "plot the graph" and possibly get me a growth scan. Anyone ever had this happen at a late stage like this? I've only known people who've had underweight babies the whole way through. I'm quite worried as up until now plenty wrong with me but baby had been stellar so getting concerned!!

They are also 2/5 from being fully engaged now so lower than last time

Could just be babies position hun, try not to worry. I see having an extra scan as an opportunity to see your little one an extra time before meeting in person. If baby is lower into your pelvis and everything has moved around then surely that affects measuring bump? Have they booked you a scan? Xxx
Just been to midwife for 36 week appt. (Actually 36+4).

Bump had been consistently measuring at the following week (so at 32+4 measured 33 weeks, at 34+4 measured 35 etc) but should have measured 37 weeks this week and only measuring 35. Heart rate and movements good so she said its not outrageous but she's going to "plot the graph" and possibly get me a growth scan. Anyone ever had this happen at a late stage like this? I've only known people who've had underweight babies the whole way through. I'm quite worried as up until now plenty wrong with me but baby had been stellar so getting concerned!!

They are also 2/5 from being fully engaged now so lower than last time

Hope everything checks out OK for you. I kind of have the opposite issue after my 37 (36+6) midwife appt today. I'm left feeling a little bit confused.

She can't tell how much of the head she can feel, thinks he could well be burried right down (fully down) or maybe half in half out. And I'm measuring 40 cm... I was very shocked, i've always had a mix of being maybe a cm lower or higher but that seems a lot to me. She didn't seem shocked but wants to check there isn't too much fluid around the baby and will be booking me another scan. As a side note, I'm not a big build I was about 7st 9 give or take a few lbs when I fell pregnant.

Induction also booked for due date 12th Jan so I defo shouldn't really go over. Freaks me out having a date but if I do make it to the induction... I'd love having everything in place for my toddler. At the moment its all up in the air as all of our friends and relatives nearby work so the fear of not knowing where he will go is awful esp with my potential of a quick labour.

Everyone else OK?

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