*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

Thanks ladies. She's booking me a growth scan but don't know when it will be yet. She seemed concerned and confused because I've been consistent up until now and it doesn't appear I've lost fluid or have less than usual. I think I'm just quite freaked out as up until now all the issues have been with me and baby has been stellar so horrible thinking they might not be okay now. I measured myself when I got home and got 43cm so I'm clearly doing it wrong! Lol my bump is small, I had a BMI of 23 pre pregnancy and I now after losing 3st throughout the hyperemesis have managed to get back to my pre pregnancy weight but obviously that's now including baby & associated fluids, placenta etc so I personally weigh a lot less than I started out at. Didn't seem to have any negative effect on baby until now.

Today I've had such bad pains! Their wee fists keep pressing on my sciatic nerves and my legs go all sore and I can't move them for a bit. Also at one side similar pain to period cramps but more of a nerve pain again. My back is agony and I feel like they're going to fall out if I stand up as there's so much pressure. Bump not getting hard during any pains though so don't think I'm contracting, baby must just have feet right in my back
Just been to midwife for 36 week appt. (Actually 36+4).

Bump had been consistently measuring at the following week (so at 32+4 measured 33 weeks, at 34+4 measured 35 etc) but should have measured 37 weeks this week and only measuring 35. Heart rate and movements good so she said its not outrageous but she's going to "plot the graph" and possibly get me a growth scan. Anyone ever had this happen at a late stage like this? I've only known people who've had underweight babies the whole way through. I'm quite worried as up until now plenty wrong with me but baby had been stellar so getting concerned!!

They are also 2/5 from being fully engaged now so lower than last time

Hope everything checks out OK for you. I kind of have the opposite issue after my 37 (36+6) midwife appt today. I'm left feeling a little bit confused.

She can't tell how much of the head she can feel, thinks he could well be burried right down (fully down) or maybe half in half out. And I'm measuring 40 cm... I was very shocked, i've always had a mix of being maybe a cm lower or higher but that seems a lot to me. She didn't seem shocked but wants to check there isn't too much fluid around the baby and will be booking me another scan. As a side note, I'm not a big build I was about 7st 9 give or take a few lbs when I fell pregnant.

Induction also booked for due date 12th Jan so I defo shouldn't really go over. Freaks me out having a date but if I do make it to the induction... I'd love having everything in place for my toddler. At the moment its all up in the air as all of our friends and relatives nearby work so the fear of not knowing where he will go is awful esp with my potential of a quick labour.

Everyone else OK?

Mel hope your scan turns out okay. I think having a date and induction is good if there is any concern. At this point I'd rather just have a scan and be induced so baby can be looked after outside the womb. Can you book anyone for your induction date for your toddler or do you mean if you go in between?
Crikey - these babies are giving us Mummy's worries, typical over the xmas period when it's not that easy to get a scan etc but i'm sure all will be just fine in the end.

I've had no end of sugar issues, GTT Tests and a growth scan but all has turned out to be normal so far - even though i'm still measuring ahead when they measure my bump using the tape, they've decided all is fine due to the outcome of the GTT Tests and Growth Scan.

I must admit, I did get a bit worried when the Docs Surgery reckoned i'd have to go 3.5 weeks between appointments due to xmas/New Year/Fully booked midwife appts, but fortunately midwife is coming for my 38 week appoint the day after Boxing Day to my house, so I feel a bit more reassured by that.

I can definitely understand how you feel Mel about potentially going into labour and needing to draft in someone to look after your little one. I've got my mum on standby, but it'd be far more reassuring if I knew when it's going to happen! I'm most concerned she may come early during the actual xmas eve/day/boxing day - will feel guilty if it means my poor toddler is without us during those days. Having said all that, no major signs of evacuation as yet!

Alipops x
Thank you- yours too Blank_page! Was quite shocked to be given a scan tomorrow esp being outside such a major city... its massively inconvenient 2 busses each way over an hours journey with my toddler but I thought oh maybe its important for it to be arranged so quick? So i didn't even ask for another time. My only other options are to drive my husband to work at 6.40am so I have the car but I don't know if my toddler will be awake after a late night tonight, or get a taxi... . Will find out in the morning I guess!

I can ask family to watch him for induction so will get that arranged but if I go early I don't quite know who will be available. I don't think my skin can possibly stretch anymore... I don't know how I could actually make it to 40 weeks with all the joint/nerve/stretching/pressure pains :wall2: (moan complain moan complain :roll:). However I had it in my head (convinced) that because my eldest came 5 days early, this one can't come earlier than that - but I don't think that's necessarily true.
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I should add she seemed to say its to check theres not too much fluid around baby, dont think its quite a growth scan. Glad to see baby again but nervous!
Thanks, this one was a fast one, didn't get much more info than 'seems to be a combination of a good size baby with a good amount of fluid'. Glad it seems to be positive news though.

Been feeling so uncomfy today but then its been an active/long day, I even went round cleaning when we got home in case relatives need to come babysit. And at one point I turned around feeling a bit nervous to walk further in case my waters broke, last pregnancy I went into labour the night that happened. That said I had caffeine today which makes me anxious and panicky so I think its the coffee talking!

My maternity clothes are so tight, I have a theory that they are designed to be your dress size & then fit up to a 40 week belly and since i'm measuring 40 weeks that's why I'm finding everything so tight.
Anyone else get a really really uncomfortable bump? I'm sure he turns round. Like stays head down but spins. I get a moment where all across the middle goes so hard and my belly button dips in and it's so hard around it. Makes me feel ill. Anyone else know what he's up to or what position maybe? Midwife kind of brushes it off. More than anything I'm just intrigued. Excuse my weird freckle thing lol

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Yes Carly I get similar- I think it’s just their size and the turning is more obvious now due to lack of room!

I’ve had a bad night - up wearing and now got a bad tummy & feeling sick. I don’t want to jump the gun but wonder if this maybe the v beginning of things starting? This nausea is horrendous!

Got midwife coming over later -will see what she says. Feeling quite sorry for myself as I hate feeling poorly and sick!

Alipops x
carly I get a horrible feeling too with certain movements but I think rather than a certain position, she's pushing on a nerve or artery or something. Makes me feel almost light headed.
alipops that could be promising, hope it's not a bug, so much going round just now!
I've seen the midwife today - baby is firmly 3/5 engaged, well and truly wedged down there apparently for a second baby - haha.
I've been having some period pain/aches so Midwife reckons we could be having a baby by Friday and that this could be the start of things!

Feeling v nervous and apprehensive now, as I know what's coming but equally, i'm ready to have my body back.

Nothing is certain, but hopefully things are moving in the right direction - i've sent OH to do some food shopping as we've been out visiting family we don't actually have anything in and i'm packing away the xmas decorations before ironing - even if baby doesn't appear, at least we'll be ready!!

Alipops x
Thats exciting alipops! Hope everyone else is well, no babies yet?

Im currently on an antenatal ward for monitoring had a horrible night and pains started so spent so much time in the bath this am which massively helped. I got told early stages of labour on my first call then on my second seemed to say drop everything and go to be checked.

The pain was awful till i got meds but im fairly certain they will send me home and say its braxton hicks which makes me feel stupid especially since im so used to them. After checks... I dont seem to be in labour. Its exhausting and frightening that the real thing is still to come.
Thats exciting alipops! Hope everyone else is well, no babies yet?

Im currently on an antenatal ward for monitoring had a horrible night and pains started so spent so much time in the bath this am which massively helped. I got told early stages of labour on my first call then on my second seemed to say drop everything and go to be checked.

The pain was awful till i got meds but im fairly certain they will send me home and say its braxton hicks which makes me feel stupid especially since im so used to them. After checks... I dont seem to be in labour. Its exhausting and frightening that the real thing is still to come.

Ohh Mel - at least you've been checked over, that's always worth it no matter what the outcome.

I can completely understand and relate to how you feel about still having to get through labour. I'm trying to keep calm and a positive mental attitude, but these aches/pains have reminded me of the worse that's yet to come!

I'm also trying to second guess how it's all going to kick off - is my plug gonna go like last time first, are my waters going to break randomly and then contracts start like with me last baby?! It's all guess work.

However, if she's here by New Years Eve and i'm home with her - i'll be absolutely made up, with her, a glass of fizz, a large lump of pate and giant french stick!

Alipops x
Well That was a dramatic day/night!

I wasnt getting a rest from the pains with almost constant tightening s so they opted to break my waters as i was tired and in pain. Things progressed quickly and he was born at 3.53am this morning just over 2 weeks early and still 8.7lb & a half, i ended up in theatre for some repair work but happy snuggling now finally ��
Aw Mel!!!! Massive congratulations!!! Enjoy your snuggles and some well earned recovery time!! Xx
First baby of the group!! Huge congratulations!!!
Ahh Mel congratulations!!! Im 7 days till due date, exhausted doesn't cut how Im feeling at the moment so just resting as much as I can.
Hope all you other ladies are ok and had fab xmas. Xxx
Oh and Im going for my pre labour bikini wax today! Lol! Wish me luck! X
Congratulations Mel! That's so exciting that one of us has a baby already!

I am suddenly feeling exhausted, had a lovely Christmas Day and then Boxing Day arrived and since then I've just been feeling awful. Still working until Jan 5th so just looking forward to that day. Midwife said yesterday baby was back to back so I am trying to get it to move!

My hospital bag is packed and have done the washing this morning so will pack baby's bag later. Starting to feel a bit more organised even though nursery won't even be how we want it to be when baby comes, which is unfortunate but just one of those things. It's not going to be sleeping in there for 6 months which is what I keep telling myself!
Congrats Mel - I hope you're recovering well, can't wait to hear what you're little man is called.

No great change here - i'm still having aches and pains, also got a cracking headache. I did sleep really well though strangely! I've tackled the huge ironing pile, which nearly killed me having to be stood up etc. I'm trying to keep mobile, even though I really don't feel like it. Going to walk to the park with Zac and my OH - hopefully that might get things going a bit more.

I'm not entirely sure what to expect - has anyone had a second birth v similar to the first or different? With Zac, I had pain a few days before, then lost plug and then waters went within 24 hrs. This all started on a Tuesday and he was born on a Thurs by 8am.
This time i'm really not sure what to expect - I think things are starting but as yet nothing consistent and no plug loss. My first labour was only 6 hrs once waters broke, so i'm worried I could be missing something here and end up having to dash to hospital......who knows, but i'm deffo ready to meet my girl!

Alipops x

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