*****January 2016 Mummies*****

I'm loving quavers just now too riccy. And cheese & onion Crisps but only walkers.

Managed to change our scan appointment to the Wednesday instead as hubs is away on a course on the Thursday so I'll be 11+4. Can't wait to see them again but I'm still so anxious!

Hope your scan goes well tomorrow riccy :)
My appetite has come back .. All i want is quavers !!

How is everyone else feeling ? We have our scan tomorrow, im so looking forward to it. Its 8.30 in the morning so I need to drop Olly off at mams for 7.30 to get through the rush our traffic


im dying for my appetite to come back! im off everything- whatever happened to pregnancy cravings!
havent had meat for 4/5 weeks, and i used to love my crisps and havent touched them for weeks either
all im managing at the moment is small amounts of soup/bread/fruit
even water seems such an effort to drink

im fasting now which has helped a lot surprisingly not so nauseous and burping - but that might be symptoms settling anyway ( fingers crossed!)
cant wait to go out for a meal with the hubby again

good luck for your scan tomorrow! counting down to mine on friday cant wait but nervous
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Thanks girls,

Just had the news at work that Iv lost my job !! Great !
That means no maternity pay ! Im fuming - and also had to hear it from a colleague who received a text informing her

Iv got steam coming out my ears

Thanks girls,

Just had the news at work that Iv lost my job !! Great !
That means no maternity pay ! Im fuming - and also had to hear it from a colleague who received a text informing her

Iv got steam coming out my ears


omg thats awful- how did that happen! can they do that?! cant you appeal against it
im self employed so no maternity pay for me either
My job role has apparently 'gone'. I spoke to citizens advice today and they told me as long as they can prove my role isn't needed anymore then I can't fight against it. I'm fuming because I'm not going to be able to find another job soon, and my tummy is getting rounder, and I won't get any mat pay anyway as I would have worked for 26 weeks before I'm 25 weeks gone !!

I've just got the biggest headache tonight

Oh no Queen.....that really is bad news.....just what you don't need.

I have my scan first thing tomorrow too.....aaggghhh...gonna be pooping myself and bet I sleep even less tonight than normal.

So sorry to hear about the job queen.

Good luck today milly xx
Good luck with scan today Milly, sorry to hear about losing your job queeny :(
Hi everyone :-)

I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself. Currently 10+5 weeks pregnant. I've been given an EDD of 14 January 2016. 11 days before my sons 3rd birthday! Crazy timing lol.

Looking forward to knowing you all and following all your journeys :-)
My job role has apparently 'gone'. I spoke to citizens advice today and they told me as long as they can prove my role isn't needed anymore then I can't fight against it. I'm fuming because I'm not going to be able to find another job soon, and my tummy is getting rounder, and I won't get any mat pay anyway as I would have worked for 26 weeks before I'm 25 weeks gone !!

I've just got the biggest headache tonight


Oh gosh that's awful. So sorry you've been put in this position! Have you checked the Government website? I'm not 100% sure, but I think there is some kind of maternity allowance for those who don't work? I might be wrong, but it's worth looking into!
Hi everyone :-)

I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself. Currently 10+5 weeks pregnant. I've been given an EDD of 14 January 2016. 11 days before my sons 3rd birthday! Crazy timing lol.

Looking forward to knowing you all and following all your journeys :-)

Welcome!! And congratulations :) I'm 11+3 today, due January 9th - although my scan is tomorrow (12 weeks), which might change my EDD for all I know! I'm currently due the day before my oldest brothers birthday! Definitely crazy timing :)

How's your pregnancy going so far?
Welcome!! And congratulations :) I'm 11+3 today, due January 9th - although my scan is tomorrow (12 weeks), which might change my EDD for all I know! I'm currently due the day before my oldest brothers birthday! Definitely crazy timing :)

How's your pregnancy going so far?

Thanks, and congratulations to you too! Best of luck for the scan :D

It's going alright, really sicky :( With my first I had hyperemesis and ended up in hospital so just doing my best to avoid that this time. What about you, how's it going for you?
Welcome!! And congratulations :) I'm 11+3 today, due January 9th - although my scan is tomorrow (12 weeks), which might change my EDD for all I know! I'm currently due the day before my oldest brothers birthday! Definitely crazy timing :)

How's your pregnancy going so far?

Thanks, and congratulations to you too! Best of luck for the scan :D

It's going alright, really sicky :( With my first I had hyperemesis and ended up in hospital so just doing my best to avoid that this time. What about you, how's it going for you?

Well this is our 1st and I expected the worst - terrible symptoms, bad sickness, etc. I've actually had it very easy! I had sore boobs, growing cramps, tiredness and a craving for oily fish (which was the big giveaway for me - I love fish anyway but the craving was so intense, I stayed up until 2am one night doing a food shop full of oily fish!!). Since around 8-10 weeks most of that has disappeared though, which the midwife said is normal as the placenta takes over but has still admittedly left me a little worried and paranoid - I just don't 'feel' pregnant!

My mum had smooth pregnancies and didn't get any symptoms, neither did my partner's mum, so I think I've been lucky and taken after them!

Hope it gets easier for you soon!
Not the best news I'm afraid. Nuchal measurements is 3.9mm so have to have a CVS on Thursday as even without blood test results and my age the baby is high risk Downs. Petrified. Also can mean risk of heart defect so consultant scan at 16 weeks to check. Keep crying. .. so scared. Xx
Oh milly sending you huge hugs! Try not to worry too much until you know more. You'll love baby just as much no matter the outcome x
Aww Milly try not to worry I know it's hard I'm 38 and I'm high risk for downs and my midwife had told me to have All the tests but I've refused if my babies are down syndrome so be it my friend has a downs baby he has heart problems it's scary but he's such a enjoyment in there lives and they don't regret having him he's the sweetest child you could ever meet x you need to be strong hun, I'm really nervous for my scan next Wednesday at 12 weeks as of all the risks for my pregnancy already have one angel �� in heaven he only lived for a few hours after he was born so I'm constantly stressing out, but it's amazing how strong we can be at bad times, hope everything goes ok for you Milly thinking of you
Hi girls,

Everything went spot on this morning, given due date of 5th jan so I'm 12 weeks today,
I'm so sorry Milly , hopefully it's all wrong , you just need to keep positive Hun xx

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