*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Wow Louise....scary, but amazing. That explains the sickness then.....really glad you have some medication to help. Xx
Thanks Milly really freaked out still feeling rough but the tablets take the edge off things, don't know how I'm going to cope plus I'm so scared of having a c-section as I know alot of twins are born by c-section and it really freaks me out x but it's months off yet so just need to relax and see how things go because it's early days yet xx hope your ok xxx
It's so scary the thought of 2 babies in one go when I was in hospital I could hear babies crying and thought wow,how am I going stop 2 crying its hard enough stop one sometimes!! still in total shock and got no appetite what so ever just got to keep drinking plenty and nibble throughout the day , how are you feeling hun ?

I know, I was worried enough about having one never mind two!!

I'm not too bad, feel quite rough in the morning and have nausea most of the day but haven't been sick at all so far. Quite tired too but apart from those two I don't really feel pregnant yet.
Wow....we have more babies in this thread now that mummies.
Congrats ladies xx
Congratulations Louise, that's two sets we have now. My scan is next Thursday! xx
How far along are you now Milly?
Only days between us isn't there?

Gosh we will soon be starting a tri 2 thread. Unbelievable.
Cant wait to have you over in Tri 2 with us :)

Great news about the sets of twinnies!!

Hutchy is having twins she is due in November so lots of help & encouragement there ladies..

Exciting times xx
Hi I hopeyou are all well. congrats on all these scans, news, twins lots of exciting posts.

I have been in and out of hospital with the sickness but it does look as though its easing finally, mind you I am on tablets to help it along!

I had my scan and I have been moved forward a few days, I am 12 wk 2 days and baby is just perfect so all is good and due in December x

G x
Just found out I am 6+3 not 9 weeks as I thought dating from my last period. Heard the heart beat and everything is looking perfect. Due date now 10th of feb xx
Wow lane that's quite a jump back...do you have irregular cycles??

How is everyone? We're 9 weeks today and received our 12 week scan appointment this morning - 9th July so I'll be 11+5. Hubs is away on a course that day though so need to see if we can change it to another day that week, if not he won't be going on his course. It means we can spend the weekend telling family and close friends before announcing it the next week as we have a ball to attend so want people to know why I won't be drinking :)

I went to get measured for new bras today as my boobs are about to burst out the ones I've got. Was told it would be 20 minute wait to get fitted, sat for an hour then walked out!! First up I was starting to feel sick/hungry and secondly I was starting to need a pee - I'm sure you ladies all know that when you need to pee you need to pee!! Then we popped to Coast and I got a beautiful dress for the ball we're going to, and it was half price...bonus!! That made up for my bad mood caused by the wait!
Hi everyone I'm new on here and after a v difficult experience 2 years ago we are now expecting 28th dec 😬 v close to the 25th! This will be our second and finally complete our family 😀 massive congrats to you all!!x
I was on the pill so they said it could be down to that but nothing to worry about with the baby as all looks how it should. Just annoying as we thought we were almost out of the first trimester xx
Ah ok so did you catch before your first period after coming off the pill? Must be so confusing since you thought you were much further on!
How far along are you now Milly?
Only days between us isn't there?

Gosh we will soon be starting a tri 2 thread. Unbelievable.

Think I'm 11+4 but not 100% sure...scan on Tues will confirm. Gutted that I've not had my blood taken in time to get the Downs Syndrome results at my scan.... will have to wait a week or so to get it in the post. Due to my age its a big part of the all clear for me.

Mad that Tri 2 is just round the corner.....who's starting a thread for us over there?

Hi everyone!

So I had a letter from my midwife this weekend telling me my blood type is Rh D Negative. Apparently this is not very good at all, and I will have to have treatment throughout my pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Has anyone else got this or has any experience on it?
The age issue is the same with me Milly, but not a test thats offered here.
My appetite has come back .. All i want is quavers !!

How is everyone else feeling ? We have our scan tomorrow, im so looking forward to it. Its 8.30 in the morning so I need to drop Olly off at mams for 7.30 to get through the rush our traffic

Wish my appetite would come back getting Fed up can't eat nothing I'm 10+5 weeks today and I'm just taking one day at a time due to being so ill just making sure I am drinking loads so don't end up on a drip again :( been housebound for 4 weeks ,just keep telling myself it won't last forever hope everyone else is doing ok with there pregnancies xXxX

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