My scan went well, 7+2 they've put me as and a heart rate of approx 130bpmwe are so bloody happy! Xx
Hi Girls,
Had my scan this morning and I am 8+6 , everything as it should be. The bleed was from my cervix, some scar tissue popped and caused a small bleed - which is common after treatment (nobody told me this!!).
After waiting to hear from midwife for the last week and half I decided to phone doctors, midwife rang me back to tell me appointment is 5th June THIS Friday!!
Well I'm glad I rang them or I would of missed it, hubby is going to be gutted to miss it 😞
He wants to be involved as much as can, he's never liked me going fertility appointments on my own so it's definitely not going to change now.
Did your other halfs go with you? What happens at the first midwife appointment? Xx
Hi Milly
I had some very light spotting over two afternoons a couple of weeks back which was the colour of milk chocolate. I mentioned it to my midwife at my booking appointment and she said it was fine as there was so little of it. I had it again yesterday, again a very small amount. I haven't had any pain or cramping so I'm not worried at the mo!
Hope this helps. x