*****January 2016 Mummies*****

I will be consultant lead after 25weeks due to preterm labour with the boys, and flashing lights csection situations. But if i get that far I dont care who takes over my care
My scan went well, 7+2 they've put me as and a heart rate of approx 130bpm :-) we are so bloody happy! Xx

Fantastic news hun. xx

Hi Girls,

Had my scan this morning and I am 8+6 , everything as it should be. The bleed was from my cervix, some scar tissue popped and caused a small bleed - which is common after treatment (nobody told me this!!).


Woop woop, great news. Is that about dating you at what you thought? Obvs your mw was a bit out with her prediction!
Love the scan pics ladies.

I've had pink cm most of today.... not getting too stressed about it... seems to have stopped now. Think AF would have been due. Staying positive. . What else can I do? Xx
so glad all your scans have turned out ok! some scary previous experiences

hope your ok Milly- hopefully it'll just be your body getting used to stuff - glad you're keeping positive

i had a gush of fluid and i panicked thinking i had bled- ran to the loo but it was just white discharge- seem to be having a lot of thick white discharge - not sure if thats normal or a sign of infection.

if i mention it at my appt tomorrow do you think they could do a swab? or do i have to go to gp for that
Becky - In my mind I had thought around 9 weeks, I put that down on my ticker, because it was the only time me and hubby had unprotected sex so I thought it had come from that. BUT I hadn't had a period since January because of my OP so I think she was just exploring all areas. In a way Im happy I havnt lost 1/3 of my pregnancy, but Id really like this sickness to bog off.

But because she put me down further than I am, Iv had to ring and change all my next scan and midwife appointments.

Hows everyone feeling this morning ??

Afternoon queen, it's a pain you've had to change your appointments, but at least it'll all be done at the right time now (unless of course they do the delightful thing of changing the EDD again hahaha.

I've found that this time round ive hardly felt sick unless I'm hungry! This is my 6th pregnancy (fingers crossed) 4th baby and my first pregnancy I was horrendous, my second was bad but I had a little more freedom from the toilet. My third was mostly nausea and tiredness and this one I've been tired with a dash of nausea when hungry so I'm just making sure I eat a bit every so often :-) xx
Im the same, last time round I sailed through pregnancy. Had a few days of feeling sick in the early days but that's it. Had tiredness hit around 8 weeks ish then felt tons better by 11/12 weeks. Worked 40hrs a week until 39 weeks. This time I feel sick all the time. Im finding im hungry a lot too, even an hour after eating. And if I don't eat something quick enough the sickness kicks in big time. Im counting down to 12 weeks when Im hoping I will start to feel better.

Hey ladies. Hope ur all doing OK.

Trying not to write a moaning post.....feels like that's all I do. Think my tummy bug is now on its way out...feel so much better. Still got some pink in my cm or tiny streaks of blood mixed in with cm, and feel achey. Just gotta hang in there til mw appointment next week and hope she can get a scan sorted a.s.a.p. Need some real reassurance.

Milly you haven't had it easy xx
I'm so anxious qbout mu appointment next week. The days feel like weeks waiting for it to come.

Im okay, extremely tired, had my mil here last night, so hubby and myself aren't speaking now, always the way when shes about, the woman is toxic.
So I'm taking myself off to bed, he's on dad duty tonight...I'm on strike.

Sickness coming in waves but generally if I let myself get hungry. Not always easy to nibble at work.

The bloat got me yesterday. Pulled on my work trousers that fitted on Friday and couldn't get them closed. Following all recommend rules to try and avoid bloating...but its there...i don't mind really, I just don't want to raise suspicion yet. (Tummy normally flat)
I am so tired today. I was sick this morning and just felt awful all day. Had a cry at hubby earlier, he is so great and is putting Olly to bed and has got up and tucked him back in when he has woken in the night. I'm just feeling pretty useless.

I balled and cried at my sons play last night and it was a comedy!!!!!

Sickness has got pretty bad in this camp. Now not only do I have to waken to pee but also to be sick.
I'm due 09/01/2016 with my 1st. Although midwife said 1st time mums often go overdue, so I suspect it'll be later than that!

Congratulations to all of you, here's to our January 2016 babies :dust:
Congrats SAHF. My first was 10 days early....so don't count in it. Hehe.

Eeek...sickness sounds rough ladies.....I remember how hideous the nausea is and it often made me cry.

I feel teary too, and tired and hungry.....but no other real symptoms still. Still spotting too...this is day 3.....it was v brown this morning which makes me think its all OK, but then a bit more pink came through.... its there every time I wipe. Aaagghhh.

Anyone else had any spotting?

Thank you Milly! Ooh that's good to know, as I'd rather the little one was on time rather than late. Only because I'd be worried about it eating up maternity leave time! So long as s/he gets here safe and sound though, that's all that matters for me :) My sister-in-law was actually 10 days early with my nephew which was their 1st too, so maybe!
After waiting to hear from midwife for the last week and half I decided to phone doctors, midwife rang me back to tell me appointment is 5th June THIS Friday!!
Well I'm glad I rang them or I would of missed it, hubby is going to be gutted to miss it 😞
He wants to be involved as much as can, he's never liked me going fertility appointments on my own so it's definitely not going to change now.
Did your other halfs go with you? What happens at the first midwife appointment? Xx
After waiting to hear from midwife for the last week and half I decided to phone doctors, midwife rang me back to tell me appointment is 5th June THIS Friday!!
Well I'm glad I rang them or I would of missed it, hubby is going to be gutted to miss it 😞
He wants to be involved as much as can, he's never liked me going fertility appointments on my own so it's definitely not going to change now.
Did your other halfs go with you? What happens at the first midwife appointment? Xx

I've just had my 1st midwife appointment which was my booking in appointment. My partner didn't come with me as he had work, and I'm only really bothered about him being there at the scan appointments!

Midwife was lovely, started by asking me a ton of questions on personal and family history, including about my partner's history/family history. Asked which hospital I'd like to go to, whether I was OK having the blood tests that day, if I wanted other tests later in pregnancy. Took my height and weight, worked out BMI, expected due date etc. Discussed breastfeeding very briefly (I think she'll go into that in more detail at a later appointment!). I had to give two blood samples for different tests, as well as a urine sample.

Explained that everything would get sent off to the hospital, who'd be in touch with a scan date, and we booked my next appointment with her for when I'm 15 weeks!

And of course, any questions I had she gave me a chance to ask!
Hi Milly

I had some very light spotting over two afternoons a couple of weeks back which was the colour of milk chocolate. I mentioned it to my midwife at my booking appointment and she said it was fine as there was so little of it. I had it again yesterday, again a very small amount. I haven't had any pain or cramping so I'm not worried at the mo!

Hope this helps. x
I'm 7+4 days this is my fifth pregnancy and I can't help but cry and feel down I've been stuck in for 2 weeks sick and tired can't stand any food at all I'm just stuck over the loo if I see food haven't seen a midwife yet , so far I'm hating everything about this pregnancy feel useless
Hi Milly

I had some very light spotting over two afternoons a couple of weeks back which was the colour of milk chocolate. I mentioned it to my midwife at my booking appointment and she said it was fine as there was so little of it. I had it again yesterday, again a very small amount. I haven't had any pain or cramping so I'm not worried at the mo!

Hope this helps. x

Thanks. Mine varies from brown to pink. I'm not cramping as such but defo feeling aches and pulling down there. We have decided to give a private hospital a call tomorrow and maybe get a scan booked for reassurance as I think I'll have a minimum of 3 weeks to wait on the nhs unless bleeding gets bad.


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