Jaiden's Birth Story!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Hi ladies, hope you're all well! Mods feel free to move this into labour section. Xx

As you can see, up at silly o'clock just finished feeding and cuddling our little man! He is so scrummy I can't stand it!! Lol!

Well as you know I was having on again off again contractions for sometime and was told on Monday 11th that I was in the latent phase of labour and was 2-3 cms on examination.

The pains were coming and going all week and the midwife said she didn't expect to see me at my next appointment on 18th April! Basically, Saturday morning I DTD with OH then immediately after was getting strong contraction pains, albeit irregular. They were getting slightly stronger so I called the labour ward to ask them when I should start to take the pain seriously as I wasn't sure. They said have a bath and come in to be checked which we did.

Got to the hospital about half one on Sat, but I could feel that the pains were dying off while there. I had an examination and was told I was still about the same, 3cm. She said she'd given me a little sweep in the hope it would get things moving. She suggested going home, taking a long walk, maybe have a bath and see what happens later. Could be hours, could be days!!??

With that, I decided I wasn't gonna stop walking until I saw my baby!!! Made plans with my sister to go out walking at about 4pm and barely made it down her road without the strongest pains I'd had coming every 3 mins or so. I didn't pay it much attention as I thought they would start off at around every 5, lasting a minute only these pains were intense but going off at about 30 seconds.

I abandoned the walk, got Michael to pick us up and in the car knew something was happening. The pain was getting too much to bare and I was in a huge hurry to get home and get in the bath to try and soothe the pain. Whilst in the bath, I got my first real show. Blood tinged and sizeable.

When I got out the bath I had an urge to pooh but I'd already been 3 times that day (should have known then really) I got scared as I had ignored the pains for a while and thought I may be close so rang the ward in a panic who told me to call an ambulance instead of OH driving me.

They came within minutes and as soon as they opened the back I dove for the gas and air. Got examined and I was 5cm thank God!!

The pain was getting to be unbearable now, I won't lie and each contraction seemed to be getting so close to the other I hardly had any respite. I asked for pethadine and was examined again to be told I was 9cm!!! I had it anyway to help me with the pushing although was told it probably wouldn't take effect in time!

After 13 mins of pushing, Jaiden Issiah Prime was born at 20:08, 4 hours of established labour.

He weighed 7lbs 12.5oz and is just as beautiful as Reshaun was!

Had a bit of a sour moment when he was having his checks and they detected a slight heart murmur. They said it can often go after 24 hours so will need to have him rechecked in 2 weeks but he was able to come home as they score them between 1 and 6, 6 being a strong murmur and he scored 1-1.5 so hoping it's nothing.

I'm feeling completely exhausted, crampy and a bit overwhelmed as I expected this latent business to go on to my due date but he was born exactly 38 weeks gestation.

Oh yeah, no stitches, no grazes so pleased with that.

Sorry it's so long but you guys still got the edited version! Lol!

A few pics xxxxxx


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ahw what a cutie.. well done you x x x
Aw he's beautiful. Congrats again.

What does Reshaun think of Jaiden?
congratulations it was out time he made an appearance after puttin you through all that pain for weeks. he is just adorable.
Congrats again he really is gorgeous and I love that outfit xx
Aw he's beautiful. Congrats again.

What does Reshaun think of Jaiden?

Thank you everyone.

It was so cute it brought a tear to my eye! He couldn't believe he was here and whispered to me "He's beautiful mummy". He kept wettin himself laughing at all the faces Jaiden was making. Cutesy!!! Xx
OMG Lexus!!! I have 2 days off the forum cos I've been poorly & everyone has had babies!!!! Well done for doing all that with minimum pain relief & for staying mobile as long as you did. Jaiden is totally & utterly gorgeous, you must be so chuffed. Hope his heart murmur settles too hun. What does Reshaun think of his little brother?
Big hugs & congratulations to you & your family hun x

Love from Sunnyb xxx
PS how's Reshauns chicken pox doing too?

Sunnyb xxx
Love his little outfit!! He looks adorable!! xx
PS how's Reshauns chicken pox doing too?

Sunnyb xxx

Hi Hun! I know, once it all kicked off it went really quickly!!

Reshaun appears to be totally in love as are we. It feels natural with the four of us to be honest. Just a lot of sore cheeks from smiling a lot in our house! Just waiting for the crappy bit to kick in today then try to get over it :)

Yeah, the pox are all dried up and crusting off. We're calling him our little choccy chip cookie cos he's still scabby! Cant remember if I said but Jaiden has my immunity for several weeks so all is well xxx
Choccy chip cookie - PMSL :)
Glad he's on the mend & that Jaiden is immune. Let the visiting commence eh!!!
You'll be on such a high at the moment, that the crappy stuff will just pale into insignificance I'm sure. Not surprised all your cheeks are sore either, I'd be smiling loads too x

Sunnyb xxx
Congratulations Hun he's gorgeous! my LO also had a heart murmour at birth the pediatrician told me its usually caused through one of the valves Not shutting off straight away they made me stay in 24 hours and by then it had gone xx
Congrats again hun and well done, he's a wee stunner!!!! :)


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