I've still been around...


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2006
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Hey guys... I've still been lurking everyday... but unfortunately... not much has been happening lately... so nothing to really post about.

I seriously CANNOT get over all the bfp's at once. It's sooo crazy how they all synchronize with each other! As I'm typing this I'm trying to put a 6 week old to sleep (I'm rocking the boucy chair with my foot!) She won't go to sleep! I keep teling her that she is severely diminishing my need to be a mother!!! lol. Incase you don't remember I'm a nanny and she is a new addition to one of my families. My other family just gave birth to their third child also. I will get to meet her on Saturday. Two newborn baby girls to watch all week...as well as two boys in one family and a boy and girl in the other (the one that just gave birth) ... not making it easy on myself eh? lol. At least I'm getting a taste of what life after kids will be like! lol. I love it really!

Well... my news is...that my DH has a SA done...and because he had a fever a few weeks before the test ...the count was really low...so I'm not taking clomid next month or until we get him sorted back out.... They say to wait three months after a fever...and the count should be pretty normal again. We had like a month left to wait... BUT! you won't believe this... he came home from work early yesterday with a fever of 101 F. I couldn't believe...so I guess that means we are back to square one and will have to wait three more months before getting an accurate SA done. I can't believe he had two fevers within a month and a half of each other. I haven't had a fever for years! I'm :pray: ing there isn't a deeper issue that is causing the fever. We'll see... :wall:

Worse yet... I didn't ever detect ovulation with temping or OPK (I did however get a pretty dark one...but not dark enough so I could have just missed it or something.). If the clomid worked this month I should have a shorter cycle... but since I can't be sure if I ovulated or not...then I don't know if I will start soon or at the usual 40day mark. We'll see. Nothing seems to be going right with TTC. I can't believe it happened so quickly after we got married (it happened on our honeymoon or wedding night) but ever since that m/c ... my body has been out of whack...and now the problem with the SA... It's been almost 18 months... since the m/c and not another pregnancy yet... sigh... I'm trying to stay upbeat... really I am.

Another crappy thing... we told his parents we are ttc because they had a really hard time conceiving my DH and so we wanted to know if the reason it was so hard on them could have affected DH in anyway. They said it was just because of his mom's wheat/gluten intolerance... so now they know and it didn't really serve any purpose except I will now get all the annoying comments from my MIL. ugh!

Sorry for the rant girls... I'm just soooo tired of waiting! I know you all know exactly how I feel. Well...the baby is asleep so better go put her in her crib ... (which will probably wake her up again! sod's law!)

Sorry again...


aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope your DH is feeling better soon, it doesn't sound like he's had a very good time of it lately.
Hopefully the clomid will help to shorten your cycle, it must be so frustrating having to wait so long each time.
I really hope you can move into first tri soon. I'm sure the clomid is a big step in the right direction, it worked for fingers crossed :hug: :hug:
Awww, hon! You've had a hard time lately. I'm sorry ... and you know I'm always here to listen to your rants!

Another fever...I'd send OH off to the doc to be checked for what's causing those.

I wouldn't worry about not ovulating this month being the 1st month on Clomid...but that might just be my ignorance.

Is your husband allergic to wheat/gleuten...and could that have anything at all to do with it?

It will happen for you dear...maybe God knows something you don't about the timing...that's how I feel right now about my situation and it kind of helps. I know 18 + months is still frustrating though.
Keep us updates as to how you get on!
:wave: Hi Jamie

I missed you being round, sorry about your run of bad luck :hug:

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