I've just started reading the Hypnobirthing book...


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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..... So far it is really resonating with me !!

I am so excited about this book.

Anyone else reading / read this book?

Anyone succesfully used the techniques?

I have read it. Is it the mongan method one?
I loved it and thought the concept is wonderful. I can't wait to try it out x
I have read it. Is it the mongan method one?
I loved it and thought the concept is wonderful. I can't wait to try it out x

Yep it is the Marie Mongan book.

I am only a few chapters in and loving it, it just makes so much sense??

I will def look into some classes I think, although they are pricey?

Think my local one is £300 per couple or £250 if we can find another couple to do it with.

Apart from the price and the fact my hubby thinks its an airy fairy crock of shit I would quite fancy the classes!
I have read it. Is it the mongan method one?
I loved it and thought the concept is wonderful. I can't wait to try it out x

Yep it is the Marie Mongan book.

I am only a few chapters in and loving it, it just makes so much sense??

I will def look into some classes I think, although they are pricey?


There are some hypnobirthing downloads on amazon. I've downloaded one about preparing for labour and one about breathing for contractions x
I am so interested in this!! I really wana get this book. Keep meaning to but keep forgetting.
I've only heard good things so defo wana give it a try! X

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Totally clueless!! What is it?? Sorry being blonde! Xxx
The theory is that you can have a painless labour and delivery without drugs. When you are scared and when you feel pain and you tense up, that increases the pain, which makes you tense and anxious - a vicious circle.
If you use breathing and relaxation techniques you can relax your body and mind to the point where surges (contractions) feel like a pressure or dull ache.
It also talks about breathing the baby down the canal instead of pushing.
It's a wonderful book and makes you think about everything from the muscles in the uterus to psychology of fear xx
The book? I paid about £12 on amazon and £7 for the downloads on iTunes.
The course is around £250-£300 roughly.
The book is a great start though x
oooh may look into this although with 10 days to go ive prob left it late x
Ive been using the maggie Howell hypno birthing CDs. I bought the pregnancy relaxation one first and enjoyed it. Now as I'm further on I use the birth preparation cd. It's great. There is a 38 minute one where you get hypnotised and helped to relax and imagine giving birth painlessesly and there is a wee 15 minute top up relaxation track as well if you're in a rush!! I'm using them at least every other day and have downloaded them onto my iPod for when labour starts.
Have felt the benefits already. I'm not panicking about labour (coming from the girl who had her well over due smear test last summer and ended up crying l the way through and nurse giving me a cuddle after it was done cos I'd got so worked up!!)
I used maggie Howells and had a fantastic drug free, chilled out labour :)
Same as princess I used Maggie Howell's cd think it was quite cheap off amazon and I had a fantastic drug free relaxed labour which I totally attribute to doing the cd and following the hypnobirthing recomendations. I did read a bit of the Marie mongan book but I never finished it however the first few chapters were very eye opening and made me realise I defo wanted to do a hypnobirth, it also expelled a few myths for me and got me in the right frame of mind, but I much preferred Maggie Howells techniques off her cd.

I was quite lucky that oh agreed with the principles and was on board with it as he really helped to keep me calm, we agreed a set of triggers and he stuck with it even when labour was established, he also helped in the hospital by making sure the mw kept to our wishes like not mentioning pain and not interfering too much etc so I was left to concentrate. So it defo helps if your oh can get on board with it too!!
I also did the maggie howell cds. Im sure it worked for me, i had a very quick labour and no pain relief, only just made it to the hospital in time! I think it helped me to stay calm as K was a bit prem so I wasn't expecting to go into labour and was worried if he would be ok.
I want to try this, it sounds perfect for me. I have used hypnosis with good effect before, so anything that can make labour easier has got to be a godsend!

I came across an iphone app for it the other day :)
Thanks ladies, I'll def look into the the Maggie Howells CD as well.

I def want to go down the route of doing this as naturally and as calmly as possible :lol:

I have the hypnobirthing cds too - I enjoy them for the relaxing feel. I wouldn't say I am actually hypnotised, but I am relaxed and think listening to the cd in early labour will be very helpful.

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