I've just started reading the Hypnobirthing book...

I'm completely new here (although not new in the Motherhood front line :) but as we've just decided to try to invite another little one into our family I'm browsing the net on the pregnancy topics and found this little gem :)

I got my hands on the Hypnobirthing(Mogan) book when i was pregnant with my second baby - 3 months to due date. After reading it I practised breathing techniques every night before falling asleep (in the very end was actually falling asleep before finishing the exercises :D ).

And all my high praises are given to this book together with knowledge and skills it tought me. Had a very straightforward, gentle and self controled birthing experience.

Although i didn't use any pain relief with my first child the whole birthing experience was still somewhat more about midwife/doctor/and pushing whereas with my second one it all was about me and my baby girl coming into this world.

I let my body do it's own thing and to take the edge of surges was using the breathing tehniques. (It didn't take all the pain away - and happy are those who are able to achieve that with hypnobirthing!!! :) but i was in control of it which really made it seem and feel as the passage rather than deep and painful labour surges which i had with my firstborn.

My man told me that i looked like spaced out and so calm during the labour(second labour I must add! :D First time no one really was CALM!! :D

Now i recommend this book to all my expectant friends! I will be going through it myself once more (i hope in the very near future :).

If you'll get the hypnobirthing book i must say that Ina May Gaskin's books are well worth the attention as well.
I read the book and listened to the CDs from around 23 weeks. I too would fall asleep before I finished the exercises! I loved hiding away in my bedroom listening to them on the bed...prob not the best place to do it, hence my falling asleep!

My labour was fine, although things did not turn out as I would have liked. I laboured at a midwife led birthing centre, which was wonderful, and managed to get to 10cm on my own without any pain relief. However, I was in labour for far too long and my LO would not move down into the birth canal. Because of this I had to be transferred to the main hospital for observation. They wanted to give me an epidural there and then as although I was at 10cm, the baby was still tucked away. When I needed to push they allowed me to try but LO's heart beat dropped dangerously low at each push.

Anyway...the alarms were pressed, loads of docs ran in, spinal block was given, I was whisked away to theatre while signing the C Section document and all the while I was calm and smiling at everyone. Thankfully, I ended up with a forceps delivery rather than the C Section, probably because I was so focused and calm throughout.

Enough of my babble...I just wanted to say that although I didn't have the birth I wanted, I truly believe that the hypnobirthing prep really helped me to get to 10cm with no pain relief (18 hrs to get from 3cm - 10cm) and I believe it helped me to relax and remain calm throughout quite a dramatic final few hours!
I'm loving all the stories ladies - makes me even more determined to go down this route!

The book I am reading makes it clear from early on that if your labour did become problematic then the techniques in the book will help keep you calm whateevr the situation, just as LuciaLeek says!

Ditto, so glad you posted this thread Carnat, I was keen before but wasn't sure where to start! xxx
Ditto, so glad you posted this thread Carnat, I was keen before but wasn't sure where to start! xxx

I bought the book on Amazon and was hooked from chapter one!

It is not at all "alternative" - it is just plain common sense.

Our bodies know what to do and there is nothing to be afraid of... Simples :lol: :lol:

:yay: just got the moan book for my kindle so will read that on honeymoon if not before :) I like the idea of the CDs too. OH is onboard, he seems happy to go with whatever makes me most comfortable, so i'm happy that he's supportive.
I've been thinking about this since the beginning. It sounds great and it's good to hear some real life stories. I've ordered both the recommended books/CDs.

Thanks for posting, Carnat.
I love the mp3s on hypnobirthingdownloads and they also have a course you can download and work through at home (with or without DH!) - really good value. Just go to positive-birth or hypnobirthingdownloads websites (hypnoclinic also has their stuff) and as there's a money back guarantee you can't go wrong. Think you'll love both the mp3s and the online hypnobirthing course.
Has anyone downloaded a program on iTunes? I like the idea of this reading so many positive stories :)
I had the maggie Howell cd too. It was worth it alone for allowing me to relax in the last few weeks if pregnancy. It kept me feeling refreshed because I could easily sleep at night after listening to it as I was so relaxed.

My birth didnt go to plan but I did use it in the early stages of labour. If I hasn't had a back to back baby and if it had progressed quicker then Im confident I would have put it to good use.

Definitely recommend.
We got the Maggie Howell CDs and they are good.

Some parts of it worked for me, I had quite an active birth anyway and when I was leant over the bed is when the techniques came in to play for me. I imagined I was on a blah in a warm country and I swayed to the rhythm f the waves

To be fair Riven was playing at being too much of a carousel for there to be no pain and I wa pushing with every contraction because of it, so only occasionally did that method work but I would definitely recommend it I was a relaxed as I could be :)

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