I've heard of scaring someone to death but ...


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Just got out of shower, walking down the hallway in my towel and front door opens .. nearly pooped my pants! I didn't even know hubbie was out.

Anyway ... point is he scared me so much I threw up :sick::roll:
The fear is worse now we have something to protect. I'm a jumpy person and the times I have been startled my heart goes for ages and I get all butterflies in my tummy xx
Ah bless ya, hope hubbies being extra nice to you now!
He thought it was hilarious that he had the power to do this!
Aww no hunny how awful!! My DH went out yesterday afternoon while i was having a nap and he didn't as anything or leave a note, so I woke up to an empty house which was quite disorientating.

To b honest my DH would have probably found it hilarious he made me sick too, too childish really aren't they men? Xxx
My DH would have found himself hilarious too. Think that means he owes you a day of bring waited on hand and foot! Xx
Omg u poor thing lol. X

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i would have battered my husband if he had done that to me...........wait he did jump out on me from behind our front door once worst thing was i said hiya to him first then proceeded to batter him haha

he defo needs to be extra nice to u and do everything xx
He took me out for a lovely lunch to make it up to me bless.

But on another note ... the worst thing he ever did was

We were on holiday in Cyprus, 6 months into the relationship, I was having a shower

He thought it was hilarious to creep in and grab the shower curtain around me! I've never been so shit scared in all my effing life! I have never screamed so loud, I punched him and told him I never want to see him again, and have never forgiven him - even though I did marry him :lol:

His response was he knew he'd be in serious bother, however, he weighed it up against the hilarity and decided it was worth it! Little shit.

In his defence this morning all he did was come home .. it wasn't intentional. However this evening when I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes he new exactly what he was doing when he punched the table to scare me!

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