Ive had enough


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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I woke up this morning in complete agony, could hardly walk my hips killing me i just wanted to cry. It doesnt help with having to get up every 2 hours to go the toilet. Its driving me mad...

I want this baby out!
not long to go now! go for a long walk! :hug:
I no i just needto winge, im sat at work and the chairs so uncomy my hips throbbing, thankfully tomorrows my last day it cant come quick enough.
i'm in the want the baby out club.. i know how you feel hun, and i'm NOT going to say not long now.... because everyone say's that and i'm getting a bit board of it now :?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry! :shock: :oops:

work out how many minutes you have left at work that will kill a while.... one day to go, that is a big milestone.... hopefully time will speed up after that!
big :hug: :hug: :hug: for you scarlet.
Neeko your right, there is no polite words to describe if you hear the words....How long now, oooooh not long to go now, arent you big, you look in pain, are you ok??? :evil: :evil: :evil: it gets boring.
I WANT OUT TOO :rotfl:
Those last few weeks really do drag! I'm ure it wont be much longer for you, least the weather is cool at the moment!
Sherry said:
big :hug: :hug: :hug: for you scarlet.
Neeko your right, there is no polite words to describe if you hear the words....How long now, oooooh not long to go now, arent you big, you look in pain, are you ok??? :evil: :evil: :evil: it gets boring.
I WANT OUT TOO :rotfl:

ohh the other day i was at my friends and if i got up it was are you okay and you sure :roll:

now i know it's nice but please leave me
I no exactly how you feel neeko as soon as I get into work everyone asks if im ok.

Just feel like shouting do i look ok i can hardly walk ive had no sleep and i feel like a whale what do you think.
I agree its all annoying! even worse when you have complete strangers touching your bump as well! but thats a different subject!
I hope you find things a bit easier when you give up work Scarlet. :)


Your almost done work hun hang in there :hug: these last few weeks will drag but you will meet your LO soon
aw hun, i know the feeling. and im only 33weeks lol. it worries me how ill feel at 40 if im like this now :lol:
Im starting on the hot curries and plenty sex tomorrow night.

Midwife said shes that low down if she had a look shed probably see hair, so hopefully she'll make an appearence.
Aww babes get knocking back them rasperry leaf pills and lamb madras!

I bet that gets ya going! Yeah i hope you like hot curry, i hate it, but still ate it and i believe that helped my labour start off!
Scarlet06 said:
Im starting on the hot curries and plenty sex tomorrow night.

Midwife said shes that low down if she had a look shed probably see hair, so hopefully she'll make an appearence.

That sounds hopeful! Loads of labour dust your way hun :hug:

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