It's my due date... Yay finally

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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That's it really lol I've reached my due date. Feels like a lifetime I've been waiting for today and it's a bit of an anti climax. It's like Christmas day except I don't know when I will be getting my present.

At least I know it will be in the next 2 weeks! X
Happy due date!!! Not long for us to go now!! xx
Oh I know. 2 weeks hopefully and pregnancy will be over for us. Hope we go on our own and don't need to be induced xx
That would be nice if they came all on their own!! Fingers crossed something happens. It would be nice to have OH at home when it happens. This weekend would be ideal. Has your OH got a 3 day weekend? xx
No he's back at work on Monday :(

He just woke up turned round to me and shouted 'where is it' I said where is what and he shouted 'the baby' haha and that he's sick of this it should be here by now. At least he makes me laugh lol x
Happy due date!! I hope you get your presents soon girls!

Hehe OH's get more impatient than us!! xx
Happy due date Emma! Come on baby mummy and daddy want to meet you now xx
Happy due date Emma! Fingers crossed today is the day! Xxx
Happy due date Emma! C'mon baby come and meet your mummy and daddy!
happy due date. hurry up baby!.

my oh is already getting impatient and talking to my belly asking him to hurry up. xxx
Aww, Happy due day, C'mon mummy and Daddy cant wait to meet you.. You can come out nowwwwwwwwwwww!
Happy due date honey!! I wonder who will pop first?! I really hope we have some bank holiday babies xx
There better be some babies this weekend. There's a big lack of labours!

My mum and my OH are convinced my labour will be tomorrow. I won't hold my breathe! X
Happy due date hunny! Hope LO doesn't keep you waiting much longer. xxx

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