dont worry we are all really very ignorant of what goes on in that plane x
i am very confused... i can't really say much more about it. For a while it made perfect sense that it was our little girl who was calling out in some way to us, but i spoke to Claire about it and she said that it was highly unlikely that our little girl would want to 'shock' us and that would be the energy that she has given
Liams conversation with her seemed to be just that, she wasnt suggesting there was anything more to what was going on other than the 'shock' factor of it all...
So maybe its a spirit who is stuck in this house, we all know how teenagers can be, its very much that sort of irrational but with a slight point sort of energy and its scary but harmless.
So we need to express to her that we do not appreciate being shocked, that its not something we are going to accept and that we will do whatever it takes to keep our family okay
we are going to let it know that we will not be engaging in any sort of energy battle with it and that we will just continue to calmly and rationally attend to our own families needs.
We are going to share nothing but love with it and i hope it helps! We are also going to do a protective ceremony around the house... i suppose it is a sort of excorsism but its not really, because the spirit can stay as long as it is not negative.
You must all think i am bonkers!
Liam did until his dream
If anyone reading this is religous or spiritual or anything of the sort, please spare a thought or ask your God to protect this child on a higher level. We dont know who she is or why shes here, she might well be my little girl manifest to try and tell us something... but its doubtful
loves xx