Isofix bases


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
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Do those of you who have cars who have isofix points have one, or do you just strap the car seat in with the seat belt?

I got a demo on our car seat at the weekend and I could see the merit of having an isofix base to attach it to easily rather than using the seat belt. That said, I don't know how much we'll use our car seat as our bassinet is safe to use in the car too and DH got over sold on the fact baby can lie flat whilst travelling in the bassinet thus allowing spinal development etc.

Of course I'll spend the £100 odd for extra safety but the pram shop seemed to think it was more of a convenience thing x
We also got a base as we will be in and out of the car a lot so was a no brainer for us xx
We got one too. Forked out the extra for the family fix as a friend got the easy fix and then found it not compatible with the next car seat up. So expensive though!
We got one too. Forked out the extra for the family fix as a friend got the easy fix and then found it not compatible with the next car seat up. So expensive though!

Does that mean the base lasts you for a few car seats then rather than just the 0-6month seat? x
We got the family fix for that exact reason belfa. Will work with the seat we use until approx 4 years. x
Thanks! Had a google, is it only maxicosi seats that you can get family fix for?
What do you mean your bassinet is safe to use in the car????

We got a seat and base the same brand as our push chair, and the seat will probably be only good until 10 months or so. They don't do seats for older babies. Then we'll have to buy a new seat and a new base.
I never bothered with a base last time and just used the seatbelt to strap the seat in. This was also down to the fact that our car wasn't compatible with the base. We've since changed the car and have bought the base, but it isn't isofix, it fits with the seatbelt too. I think it will be easier to deal with a toddler and baby if I don't have to faff too much!
What do you mean your bassinet is safe to use in the car????

We got a seat and base the same brand as our push chair, and the seat will probably be only good until 10 months or so. They don't do seats for older babies. Then we'll have to buy a new seat and a new base.

We have a Concord Neo travel system, they also own the Jane prams you get in Mothercare etc and you can strap the bassinet across the back seats for longer journeys. I should add for anyone reading this that this company own the design licence for this and it isn't safe to try with other prams!
I got the family fix too- seems so easy to use and tells you that it's all fixed in properly so peace of mind too. We bought a base for my car and base for husbands with just the one seat, pricey but I think worth it as can use the next car seat up with it too x
Belfa that is really quite impressive about your bassinet. I've never even heard of that!

I think isofix base ensures the safely of the car seat. But doesn't actually make any safer IF the belt buckles are used correctly. But is like the dummy's guide - so guarantees it is fitted correctly. But if you follow proper instruction using seat belts provides same security. I think!!

I am same as Bigbee - same car seat and base to match pram (think we both went with Stokke crusi one). But will need to buy new one when baby outgrows size 0. At that point will buy one that is a universal one more likely... So that I don't need to stick to the one brand.

So think it depends when you plan to upgrade to a bigger car seat. My isofix base wasn't cheap and might only last 8-10 months xx
Coletteypie, that's right - I too have stokke Crusi.

I prefer the isofix purely because using a seat belt seems like such a kerfuffle!

Don't forget, the new regulations for rear facing seats are coming out soon, so not sure whether maxi cosi bases cover that....
Tri Hopping

We had the Jane seat for our lb and it went across the back seat. We have gone for an isofix base and seat this time but will be using the Jane pram when the baby is older as it is a fab pram but we felt that the isofix seat would be handy to click in quickly with having an older child, the added safety and it is a lot lighter than what our Jane one was. xx

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