is this another miscarriage?


Active Member
Jul 23, 2015
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Hi all
I'm new to this site, just wondered whether anyone has any experience of this and can give me any advice. I'm 7.5 weeks pregnant, having had a miscarriage earlier this year at around the same time. All seemed to be going ok except on Tuesday I had a brown discharge which lasted a few hours. It was just on my panty liner, not really there when I wiped (sorry for TMI!) Later on that day there was a little bit of red. Anyway I phoned the doctor who said it didnt sound good and has arranged a scan for me tomorrow.
Since then, I've had no more bleeding or discharge, but last night and today I have stomach ache which comes and goes. Its more like I've eaten something dodgy, and need the toilet, rather than period pain. I also feel a bit sick and don't really have an appetite whereas up until yesterday I have been absolutely starving.
I know that no-one knows and that only the scan will tell me whats happening, but do you think this is the start of another miscarriage?
Thank you x
Hey hunnie, welcome to PF. I'm sorry that I don't have any useful knowledge of this but I didn't want to just read and run. I'm sure other ladies on here will be able to offer some knowledge/advice. I hope that all will be okay for you and the bestest of luck at your scan tomorrow. Let us know how you get on. :hug: x
I'd expect a lot more blood. Bleeding in pregnancy is more common than u think. I miscarried last month and I'm now pregnant again. I feel anxious incase it happens to me again
a little bit of blood is normal for some women I had a friend who bleed throughout and her son is now 10.

Keep positive and I'll pray for u that all is well xx
Thank you for your replies, will just hope and pray that all is good tomorrow. Sarah I really hope this pregnancy goes well for you x
Lucky b I had ( and still have) brownish discharge and blood along with tummy pains for nearly 2 weeks now. Went to epu last week and all was OK.

Hopefully this will be the same for you.

Fx for you, keep us posted xx
Oh wow thank you Sparkles, that makes me feel better. Did they say why it happens? xx
Its terrifying to see brown discharge and blood, but it doesn't necessarily mean bad news. If youre not having heavy bleeding now, and the discharge has stopped, then that's' good news.
I had a couple of small bleeds, and brown discharge a few times on and off throughout this pregnancy and all is still ok. Stay positive, try to distract yourself tonight and fingers crossed for your scan tomorrow
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We're all thinking of you sweetheart. I'm a doctor and have seen lots of ladies who experience what you're going through, and baby turns out to be absolutely fine. Try to relax and put your feet up. Let us know what happens tomorrow xxx
Thank you so much Julia and Coco, feeling a bit more positive and really praying there's a heartbeat tomorrow. Will let you know. Thank you again xx
Hi all
So had the scan and all is fine - THANK GOD!!! So so relieved! She said she could see a bit of blood in there but wasnt sure why, but nothing to worry about. Anyway she put me forward to 10 weeks, which I don't understand as I had a period on 31st May, and I had an Antral Follicle Count on 5th June (as thought I might need IVF) and it showed 8 follicles. But according to the scan I would have been pregnant by then? So I don't get it, do you think the scan is wrong and I am actually only nearly 8 weeks like I thought? Or can I have follicles if I am pregnant? Sorry for more questions, and thanks for all your support xx
:yay: That's super news!! Sorry I can't help with your questions hun, but I'm sure someone will be along to help soon. Really pleased for you! x
Fantastic news lucky b, so happy for you.

Sorry I missed ur last post, but like you, they couldn't give me a reasoon for the blood

If your had your scan on the 5th June, then, according to your latest scan you would have only been 3 weeks pregnant then and nothing would have been seen (you'd only just be getting a positive test). I don't know if a different view of the follicles would have been seen if you were pregnant at the time. I would take it that you were 10 weeks now (rarely get put forward at early scans, more often than not you are put back in dates, but a fairly accurate estimation can be done at 10 weeks as they start the dating scans from 11 weeks). Perhaps your bleed you thought was a period was actually an implantation bleed. Either way, congratulations!
Ahh ok thank you, I was just worried something was wrong somewhere, but am chuffed to be 10 weeks & not 8! Thank you for all your replies :) xx

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