Is there still hope? or is it defiantly a Miscarriage?


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
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Hi, I am new to this website and forums. i have PCO, have always had irregular periods and have been trying for a baby for 3 years. after two months taking clomid i am pregnant. Problem is, i started to bleed after sex before i knew i was pregnant so i assumed it was my period so to double check i did a test and to my surprise the long awaited positive line appeared. i booked a doctors app the very next day and when i told them that i had bleeding after sex they got straight on the phone to book a appointment in the early pregnancy unit for a scan to be done. my dates made me just 6 weeks. the very next day i had a scan and they said that all they could see was appearances that my womb was thickening but due to my irregular periods my dates could be very wrong so that could of been ok at this stage. so they sent me for blood tests to measure my HCG level. my first was 564 then my second two days later was 1695 so they were pleased about that. i had another scan the week after. in between this time i had experienced some more red bleeding mainly after sex or orgasm, brown coloured mucas when wiping only and lower back pain, sore boobs and mild period cramps plus feeling hungry all the time. they scanned me again and said they could see a difference in my womb but couldn't confirm a egg sack yet. so they sent me for more blood tests. this time i was at 4000 my next one was at 5000. they said this is not good enough and should of been around 9000. i have another scan booked for this week. they should really be seeing a sack and heartbeat now as my dates cant be that wrong. i have been wiping brown mucas continually for a week now with the odd mild period cramp. i get the odd bit of red blood. i dont know how to feel. I know my symptoms can lead to miscarriage but can this also all lead to be ok? has anyone experienced any of this but still been ok? any advice appreciated. x
Hey hun. I'm afraid I can't offer you any advice but just wanted to wish you luck and hope you have a sticky bean xxx
We're all different hun and I don't like the idea of voting on a "poll" about whether or not you are going to miscarry.

All I can do is tell you my experience.

I started bleeding at 5w 6d after sex, I was scanned but it was too early to see anything. They scanned me again at 6w 6d and although the pregnnacy had progressed there was no HB - when there should have been at this stage of gestation - so I was told to wait it out.

Sadly I did miscarry!

I think you'll have to wait for your scan to have the full picture and I hope it is good news.

Best of luck

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Wishing you lots of love and luck. I hope all goes well for you xx
Just wanted to wish you luck . I'm a clomid girl and have been ttc for 2 years and 2 months now. I got pregnant in Feb on my 5th try with clomid . I have to be honest and say that your prognosis is not sounding too good . There should be something visable on the scan if you are as far preg as you think . I have brown mucus discharge for a week before i miscarried i was 6 weeks .I really hope for you that it isn't the case x

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