Is anyone else having an elective cesarean?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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A few weeks ago my consultant told me I'd need an elective c section - so I'm booked in for 25th July (wierd - I sat in an office and decided the day my child will be celebrating her birthday for the next 70 odd years!). During my last labour my son's shoulders got stuck because my pelvic cavity is apparently too small, so basically she said it would be too dangerous to try a natural birth (and she's reknowned as an anti-cesarian consultant).

I've done loads of reading and I've spoken to other women who've had elective cesareans but I'm still really apprehensive. I'd much rather give birth - even after the terrible time I had last time, at least it's a known quantity. I accept what the consultant says - from my notes it's obvious that a natural birth would be dangerous but I can't help feeling a bit cheated. Ho hum...

Just wanted to know if there was anyone going through the same thing
I wouldnt feel too bad about it, from what you have said its not really elective, you need it. I suppose you dont need to rule out a natural birth straight away, you might get a scan later on and measure differently from your first baby. My first was a big girl, my second a skinny lighter boy.

I had an elective second time round and I went into labour a few days before I was due.

Take it easy, one way or another, baby is coming out. :D
Hi hun, :wave: im having an elective section too but havent got date yet but it will be around the same time as you. I have the option of a natural but after giving it lots of thought we feel elective is the way for us.
My reason is because i had an awful labour last time and emergency section. Baby was also too small to fit through my pelvis and i never dilated. They will measure baby at 36 weeks but to be honest my son was only 7lb 3 oz born and that was a week over so not big at all.

I would love to have a natural but not because i feel i missed out as i experienced everything except pushing. Its just that i felt i had no control last time, it was awful and by trying it could happen again. To me, i dont know any different to a section and the recovery so thats what it'll be.

It will be weird though to think im having my baby today and just walk normally into hosp!x
Thanks for your support Laura. The notes from my last delivery apparently said that the OB that delivered my son had difficulty manipulating the forcepts so I've got an oddly shaped or very small pelivc cavity. I did try pleading with her for a natural delivery but she said there would be no medals in trying and even having a normal labour only for it to end in likely difficulty.

I have such beautiful memories of the first night with my little lad - his face was bruised from the forcepts and I sang him to sleep in the darkness. I know this time I'll be too unwell to care for this one. I realise I'll make different memories which will be just as precious but I'm not looking forward to the recovery as I won't be able to do as much for the baby.
Sorry Katie, missed your reply whilst I was typing the one above. I had a vaginal delivery last time (although I was so out of it on epidural I don't remember much!).

Glad to know there's someone else out there! :wave:
Its o.k hun thought it was cos i smell :rotfl: Try not to worry too much about the recovery as it may not be as bad as you think. It can be for some but it wasnt as bad as i expected. I was walking aroulnd the ward the morning after (albeit like an old woman, but hey!)
Also, ive been told many positive things about an elective and that it can be a nice experience. Im holding onto that. :D

Also, you will be able to lie and cuddle you lo wont you? or are you having your under anesthetic?x
Hi Sydneysmum,

I too have been asked to consider a elective C-section but we had our mind made up before we even started trying again and after speaking to my consultant he totally agrees.

My boy was laying back to back and then due to the size of him 9lb 4oz I had forceps, episotimy and upon delivery found out that my son had shoulder dystocia and taken away from me and stuck in SBCU for 3 days. A lot of this I blame on my midwife and old consultant whom i saw at 40 weeks as by my notes was 41+6days when he was born.

I am not trying to scare anyone here but if you believe you need a c-section then fight for one.. i like you am not really wanting this option but if it stops my next LO going through the distress and pain my son went through then its something I will do.

Sorry for my rant but I wish they had listened to me at 38 weeks when I said my baby was too big for me!

Take care
Kathy x :hug:
im goin to talk to my consultant when im 35 weeks and get a date for an elective section.. i had an awful sore and long labour last time and got stuck at 8 cms and the baby got distressed so they gave me and emergency one, i can try a normal birth this time for 6 hours but im quite small and my last baby was 8 pound 2.5 ounces and this one will be the same or bigger, dont feel cheated because planned sections are meant to be enjoyable, it was awful last time so this time i can just see it being perfect with not me being scared and the baby not being distressed etc...
Oooh Kathy I so know where you're coming from! I had a terrible time because I was left alone for too long and the OB who finally struggled my son out was really angry with the widwife team for having let me go so far without a c section (she was lovely). She had sweat on her face when she dragged him out. Like you, my baby was back to back although he apparently turned at the last moment - and then his shoulder got stuck. I read somewhere that going on to all fours can help turn the baby but of course you can't do that if you're hooked up to an epidural!

And old consultant - tell me about it! The next day, a fat old fool bumbled into my room, took a cursory glance at my notes and told me that the reason I had such a bad time was because I was overweight and that I might consider a diet before having another child! Cheek of it! I suffered because of their negligence. I was weak from blood loss but as he spoke to me I remember looking longingly at a pair of slippers down beside the bed wishing I had the strength to pick one up and beat the ignorant old s@d with it!
im not having a c section but thought id wish you all the best and say at least someone will be using my due date lol, i dont think i will be using it to give birth on as both my daughters were late :( so 25th of july is all yours :D :cheer: :hug:

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