Anyone having an elective c section?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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I would have liked a normal delivery this time but my consultant won't hear of it. Unfortunatey she's quite scary and i don't like to argue as she is the expert after all and she does have mine and the babies best interest at heart.

If I have to have a c section, I want her to deliver me at 37 weeks as I think you are classed as full term then. The last few weeks are a nightmare anyway so the earlier the better.

I am going to ask her but knowing what she's like, I don't want her to dig her heels in and insist I carry on as long as my placenta is working properly.

Any ideas for how I approach this, anyone been in a similar situation?
im also have a section, the nhs perform them at 39 weeks, they wont do earlier as it can be risky for babies lung??? thats what my consultant told me and mw said its common to be done at 39 weeks, i was also hoping to get baby out asap but now i know its a risk baby can stay in as long as possible :rotfl:

why are they suggesting you have a section hun?
I had a section with my last daughter, and was told yesterday that I had a choice with this pregnancy to try vbac or an elective section. I havent made my mind up yet.

I think the earliest they will do it is 39 weeks unless its necessary due to complications.
I had an elective C section and they refused to give me a c section before 39 weeks. Summer was breech from 30 weeks so I found out when I was 35 weeks when my C section was and the midwife told me that there is no way would I be allowed to have Summer naturally because it was too dangerous for u both so I
asked them if they will do it at 37 weeks, I begged, cried and begged some more but they refused to let me have it done before 39 weeks. Actually I was booked in 4 days before my due date so talk about cuting it fine!
They like the baby to stay put for as long as possible.
paradysso said:
im also have a section, the nhs perform them at 39 weeks, they wont do earlier as it can be risky for babies lung??? thats what my consultant told me and mw said its common to be done at 39 weeks, i was also hoping to get baby out asap but now i know its a risk baby can stay in as long as possible :rotfl:

why are they suggesting you have a section hun?

My last baby I had to have by c section as my placenta had started to fail again (first baby lost at 40+6 due to true knot in the umbilical cord and placenta failure) Later diagnosed with anti phospholipid syndrome which causes blood to clot in placenta and thus failure.

I'm on heparin injections now to keep my blood thin but the consultant told me at my frst appointment that due to my age, previous section, and probably the fact I have a weak uterus after three pregnancies that she won't entertain a vbac and if I wouldn't agree to a section I would need to find another consultant!! :think:

I had Tim at 38 weeks because of crap placenta and the consultant admitted she lost her bottle and delivered me so that nothing terrible happened and to be honest, I was in such a state buy then I'd have had a breakdown if they kept me waiting any longer. Thus my reason for wanting delivering early. She's gonna have to come up with a good excuse if she wants to keep baby inside till 39 weeks. You're classed as fulll term at 37 weeks so I don't see where the problem is!
paradysso said:
im also have a section, the nhs perform them at 39 weeks, they wont do earlier as it can be risky for babies lung??? thats what my consultant told me and mw said its common to be done at 39 weeks, i was also hoping to get baby out asap but now i know its a risk baby can stay in as long as possible :rotfl:

why are they suggesting you have a section hun?

My last baby I had to have by c section as my placenta had started to fail again (first baby lost at 40+6 due to true knot in the umbilical cord and placenta failure) Later diagnosed with anti phospholipid syndrome which causes blood to clot in placenta and thus failure.

I'm on heparin injections now to keep my blood thin but the consultant told me at my frst appointment that due to my age, previous section, and probably the fact I have a weak uterus after three pregnancies that she won't entertain a vbac and if I wouldn't agree to a section I would need to find another consultant!! :think:

I had Tim at 38 weeks because of crap placenta and the consultant admitted she lost her bottle and delivered me so that nothing terrible happened and to be honest, I was in such a state buy then I'd have had a breakdown if they kept me waiting any longer. Thus my reason for wanting delivering early. She's gonna have to come up with a good excuse if she wants to keep baby inside till 39 weeks. You're classed as fulll term at 37 weeks so I don't see where the problem is!

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