Ipswich Murders

Very scary for all women who live near there, it's awful whats going on, i hope they catch whoever it is soon.
They've found 2 more bodies :shock:

Its actually making me scared and Im nowhere near Ipswich! :(
God i hope they find them soon, a serial murder in england and a serial rapist up here in glasgow, XkelX
I live in Ipswich and am pretty SCARED....driving everywhere now.....no drinking for crimbo celebrations :cry:

have to try to be rational though and just be sensible about things.

Hope its all solved soon. :pray:
hey hun didnt know u lived in ipswich!!
cant believe there is 2 more today starting to get scary
ment to be going shopping there tomoz but dad doesnt like the idea of it
Think its pretty much ok as long as you aren't planning on wandering arond by yourself at night! imagine town will be pretty busy with it being less than 2 weeks till christmas!
another jack the ripper copycat...:( so horrible....im scared too, and i dont live there! but alan works nights i get scared enough as it is:(
this is awful, cant believe that serial killers/rapists are still in existence

hopefully the sicko will be caught, mind u with our sorry state of governemnt he will prob b out in a few yrs :x

How aweful hun, like i told you its like murders that happened around here the man just got caught not long ago, and killed mostly prostitutes as well, he killed for over 20 years before being caught! hope this one gets caught sooner.
Just be very careful hun :hug:


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