Has he not heard of contraception
Have the local women not heard of his reputation
Source here *edit* Just seen the date on the news story and its a bit old, so some may have heard of him before. Sorry. Mods feel free to delete if need be. At least he's not fathered number 8 since this ran
*end edit*
21-year-old fathers seventh child
A 21-year-old who fathered his first child at 13 is about to become a dad for the seventh time.
Keith Macdonald, from Washington, Tyne and Wear has been branded a "reckless Romeo" after it emerged that all his children are by different women.
He is reported to be living apart from the mother-to-be.
As he is unemployed he does not support his children financially, but Mr Macdonald says he has no plans to father any more children
The north east has a high rate of teenage pregnancies, with 52 girls per 1,000 under 18 becoming pregnant, as opposed to an England average of 42.
Condom manufacturers also report low sales in the region.
Mr Macdonald said he did not want to have any more children and that his mother has strong views about the situation.
He said: "My mum's not happy about all these kids. "She tells me to pack it in and keep it in my trousers."

Source here *edit* Just seen the date on the news story and its a bit old, so some may have heard of him before. Sorry. Mods feel free to delete if need be. At least he's not fathered number 8 since this ran

21-year-old fathers seventh child
A 21-year-old who fathered his first child at 13 is about to become a dad for the seventh time.
Keith Macdonald, from Washington, Tyne and Wear has been branded a "reckless Romeo" after it emerged that all his children are by different women.
He is reported to be living apart from the mother-to-be.
As he is unemployed he does not support his children financially, but Mr Macdonald says he has no plans to father any more children
The north east has a high rate of teenage pregnancies, with 52 girls per 1,000 under 18 becoming pregnant, as opposed to an England average of 42.
Condom manufacturers also report low sales in the region.
Mr Macdonald said he did not want to have any more children and that his mother has strong views about the situation.
He said: "My mum's not happy about all these kids. "She tells me to pack it in and keep it in my trousers."