Invisible to the opposite sex?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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:brat: I dont want to sound conceited but before I was pregnant I used to get the odd whistle from builders, a wink from the cute guy in a shop etc, now I feel Im totally invisible!
Im very happy with OH but the attention did used to give me a confidence boost & now when Im feeling vile, fat & frumpy & in need of a boost nobody looks at me twice!
Anyone else slightly miffed by this? :brat:
Lol I know how you feel hun

Try and think of it as they want to still whistle/wink at you but they feel they shouldnt because you are pregnant

So they still think you are hot, they are just holding it in :D
Or you get the men the other end, and tell you they think pregnany women are sexy! Lol, and this was some guy in the office at work :) Made me smile anyway!!xx
well i had a nice young man comment on my butt the other day as him and his friends walked behind me then i turned round and the little shit said "yuck shes pregnant" haha i look the same from the back so he got a shock haha
Lou, I'd have belted the rude twat!

I know people who like pregnant women because they find the shape and excitement all sexy and different.

I'm still attractive and shagadelic, apparently! But was never one to get whistled at, it's people I meet in shops, festivals or cafes etc who tend to say something - and if I pop out with my baggy alternative stuff (brown/green combats and band tee shirt with an open shirt over it) people don't even notice I'm pregnant and I've had to make it obvious to a few guys recently that I'm engaged with a bump!

The only person I want to notice me, specially if I've made an effort, is my OH. He says his fave clothes on me are my drainpipes, but that he likes me in anything. Which is frustrating because if I make an effort and put a tight top on and attempt to coordinate it with something else, to look vaguely girly for a change, he doesn't say owt!
One of my jobs is in a restaurant - sometimes i stand behind a counter and chat to people and i still get chatted up quite a lot - i love seeing the look on their faces when i move so my huge bump is visible lol!!

Ive found a few men dont seem to be put off by it though which im suprised at! x
In the pub on Saturday night I heard a guy a just walked past saying " god I was about to chat er up then, and she's bloody pregnant'. Not sure what to make of it really! OH still can't keep his hands off me so I'm happy.
Haha, unfortunately theres no hiding my bump its huge! Ive seen men look at it in total horror in the supermarket!
It probably doesnt help that because of the sickness I look like a miserable fed up corpse either! lol x
I must admit, I get the attention on the walk to work most mornings, the odd bin man staring and smiling his toothless smile at me, a builder whistling etc. and it really annoys me! I think oh for god sake what are you expecting? me to walk over and be like 'yeah u want some of this?' clutching at my bum cheek.

Eurgh disgusts me.

God i am a miserable hag haha
You lot make me giggle.

I get embarrassed at that sort of attention, because I feel the need to explain and then that turns the subject round to stuff I don't like to talk about to strangers.

It makes me angry that there are some insensitive twats out there who can't keep their disgust at the pregnant form a secret in their head - it's not nice to hear those sorts of comments. And where did they think they came from, eh?


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