I mentioned this thread to my OH and it turns out that the empty loo rolls really annoy him too. He thought I was leaving them and I thought he was so we've decided to blame his son! It's great having kids!
Tankett - this is cracking me up soooo much!!!! keep us posted and dont give up!!!! lol lol
Yes - D/H does that too - leaves the empty envelopes out on the side. Bought him a paper shredder for his birhtday - hoping that as it is a 'toy' he will sit there happily shredding envelopes lol lol
The shower gel has fallen over, and there is going to be another empty there by the time I get home. This has been a real eye-opener - not just to confirm that I am the only one who throws them away, but I never realised how much loo roll we get through!!!! There are only 3 of us!!!
Do you reckon you could keep this going over Christmas??!!!
I sat here laughing so much last night that D/H kept saying wot are you laughing at, so I showed him this thread - and he thinks us girls are cruel lol lol. But we are not - we are merely proving that it is a fact that us women clean up the empty loo rolls (and everything else for that matter!)
Cant you throw a spanner in the works and let the loo roll run out (but keep a secret stash for yourself!?!!) mind you, then you are bringing the loo roll situation to the fore and he might get suspisicous lol
I have to agree with the hair in the sink thing following a shave. Ugh! My OH shaves his head as well so there is always loads. I have a real hair thing, can't pick up a bar of soap if there is one hair on it. Gives me the heebie jeebies. Obsessive compulsive, moi?
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