Maybe I am glowing!?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't want to blow my own trumpet but I seem to have had a fair bit of attention from blokes the last couple of days. Has anyone else had this?

I was in the car with my sister in law and mother in law yesterday on a roundabout and a bloke in the back of the car next to us winked at me and when I looked back all the blokes were looking. Which my MIL commented on so it wasn't just me lol. Then later on (in the car again) someone shouted check her out In the back at me lol! Was slightly embarrassed being with the SIL and MIL but thankfully they found it funny and were taking the piss! It also happened on the way home from work last week a bloke walked past me and said 'hello beautiful' I was like WTF!

Nice little confidence boost :)
You make me sick!

It's only coz I is jealous:D

You may as well enjoy it. See you are already a yummy mummy.
I'm having bump issues at the mo as someone said it looked more like a pot belly! Thus week has made up for that lol!
Omg I'm gonna be a mum!!!! That just hit me pos!!

Must be in my genes my mums a lecturer and her students gave her the milf award!

Let's see how I look AFTER the birth lol!
Yesterday I got told by a (female) customer that I should do modelling, as I'm 'stunning' and apparently have really clear skin. I have never been told that before in my life. Dunno if she was just being nice, but still... woop!
I'd say your gorgeous anyway wether your glowing or not, thats what the guys noticed.

Try to forget about the pot belly thing. You'll be massive soon enough and there will be no mistaking it for a baby!

Thanks ladies! Can I mention in my pic I was on a night out with my hair all done, 3 layers of make up and false lashes! I don't normally look like that lol!
i DID get told by the sales assistant in 'Lush' that i had soft skin...
but thats about it... lmao :( xx
Lucky you! You do look gorgeous in your pic :)

The first few months I had bad cyctic acne (thanks, hormones!) and now I have an obvious bump so I doubt I will have anyone hitting on me now. Well, I hope not anyways!
lol good for you

i had a bloke at work say i looked radiant and lots of friends have commented on how im glowing.

xxx enjoy it xx
I tend to have blokes looking at me and then i see them look at my bump and quickly look away!! Quite funny really. xxx
Awww you are gorgeous tho!

Doubt I will get any looks, for some reason I keep breaking out in spots :( I never get spots!!

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