Hi! I'm Lucy, 35, living in Cornwall but I'm a Brummie
I have a son who is 2 next week and I'm 9 weeks 5 days with this one. Our son took 3.5 years to conceive and we got our BFP a few days before our first IVF appointment! This one wasn't planned but we weren't being careful, we just said if something happened then great! I didn't expect anything to ever happen though as we aren't exactly 'active' in that department!
I'm still in a state of shock and despite an early scan at 7w 5d still don't believe it and am still anxious! Not quite as anxious as first time around though, probably because I'm too distracted to dwell on it all! Slightly terrified every time I think about going through labour again and the newborn days, but at least I kinda know what to expect now.