Internet banking


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Im with natwest and they recently sent me a card reader to help increase security. It generates random numbers which you have to enter into the computer (but the reader isnt connected to the computer so i dont know how it knows :think: )

Just wondered if anybody elses bank, natwest or otherwise, are doing the same thing.

This is what it looks like and is slightly bigger than a credit card

Ive not had anything like this or heard of it, make sure its not a scam b4 u use it hun :)
I'm with natwest too, but i've not heard anything about it :think:
seems a bit suss to bank and ask them
It's genuine.

The unique pin that gets generated is based on the time (and the other information) - online banking generates the same pin independently. You need to use the pin within 90 seconds or the time stamp changes and it doesn't work.

My dad has one with his Barclays account - this is the man who's never even used a cash point before, let alone a computer. Against my better judgement I showed him how to use it on Sunday - let's just say, he won't be using it again :rotfl:
I've not had one from a bank but I used to have one for a work laptop so you could log in remotely via the company.

Not sure how it worked though- it just had a 6 figure number that stayed a minute then was replaced by a new number
i do online banking with HSBC and i dont have a gadget like that, you just answer personal questions to get on :?
im with natwest and i havent got one of those i just log on on the computer like normal.
I don't think all acounts have them - they're trialling them on some accounts.

My dad has one but my mums account at the same bank, only one digit different on the account number didn't
Maybe Natwest are doing trials to see if the use of the PIN generator will be a viable security option?

My OH has something similar for work, to gain access to the company's internet server when using his laptop outside work.
We had one for my husbands business bank account a couple of years ago, they are a really good idea as completely random codes come up each time you need to access your account.

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