

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Hi Girls:wave:

I am now 5 days overdue and getting very impatient!!! I dont feel any different at all and I am convinced LO has taken up squatters rights and will have to be evicted!

I have an appointment to see my midwife on Tues (9 days over) when she will attempt a sweep. I know these arent always successful and that they normally try 2 before going on to insert gels etc to try and induce you. I am a bit confused about the timescales for each of these though as I have heard they dont like to let you go more than 2 weeks over?

Anyone have any knowledge /experience of this?

Thanks for your help

Hi hun didnt wanna read and run but I cant offer any advice as appararently they dont 'do' sweeps here :s I had an internal the other day where he found my cervix is still closed and has booked me for an induction 10 days past my due date. I hope she comes before tho as I really dont wanna be induced. Hope your LO comes out soon too hun xxxx
I am 5 days over today too......I have MW appointment at 41+2 (which I made myself, not at their request) and am planning to ask for a sweep then (which the hospital MW's have said I can), then the hospital have booked me for a stretch and sweep at 41+5 and they look to induce at 42 weeks (it's the hospitals policy)..........think things vary place to place but generally I think induction is normal at 42 weeks when baby is considered post-mature and truly 'overdue'

Am feeling much the same as's so hard isn't it? Trying to stay as relaxed as poss (not always suceeding) but I know that getting worked up wont help LO to put in an appearance! xxx
It doesnt help when the same people that tell you to relax and "enjoy the calm before the storm" contact you every 5 minutes to see if there is any news!!!:lol:
It doesnt help when the same people that tell you to relax and "enjoy the calm before the storm" contact you every 5 minutes to see if there is any news!!!:lol:

Yeah how true, I hate the constant 'have you had him yet'.

I will be exactly 41 weeks on Monday and I'm booked in for a sweep then, I assume they will do another sweep a couple of days later and if that doesn't work I will be induced at 42 weeks.

I hate being overdue :-(
It doesnt help when the same people that tell you to relax and "enjoy the calm before the storm" contact you every 5 minutes to see if there is any news!!!:lol:

I hate the 'enjoy it while u can' comments.....I know people are well meaning but it is a bit patronising and frustrating...... i am sure we are trying to make the most of our time before the LO's arrive, but when u r this big and cumbersome and tired it's a bit hard to do very much! lol! I don't want to tell people if I end up getting induced, coz then they will all know that he will be here pretty much within a few days of being induced! I still want to have that element of 'surprise' when they receive a message saying he is here! Does that sound silly? xxx
It doesnt help when the same people that tell you to relax and "enjoy the calm before the storm" contact you every 5 minutes to see if there is any news!!!:lol:

I hate the 'enjoy it while u can' comments.....I know people are well meaning but it is a bit patronising and frustrating...... i am sure we are trying to make the most of our time before the LO's arrive, but when u r this big and cumbersome and tired it's a bit hard to do very much! lol! I don't want to tell people if I end up getting induced, coz then they will all know that he will be here pretty much within a few days of being induced! I still want to have that element of 'surprise' when they receive a message saying he is here! Does that sound silly? xxx

Doesnt sound silly at all. My husband is exactly the same, I have a large family and they all wanted to know when there is any development and we go to hospital but my husband is refusing to tell them anything until he/she arrives! We will have to tell one of my sisters as she is going to look after our dog whilst we arent here but he has sworn her to secrecy!!!
Lets all keep our fx that our LO's will make there own way here before induction and surprise us all :)

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