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Your opinions re: induction

I don't think it was an attack at all, it's just a discussion. If someone said to me "your harming your baby by taking vitamins" I would say ok if that's what you think! And take them anyway. I wouldn't feel "attacked" though, I just wouldn't agree that's all.

Rubbish example but it's 11:20pm and I'm knackered!
ok i satrted trying natural induction methods with my pregannacy at about 39 weeks. i knwo my baby wouldb e fully developed (ignore my typing my laptop is dying) nd could be born and be perfectly healthy. i knew full well that it wouldn't help and that J would come when he decided to, however after 9 months of having no control of my body, i felt that i could try and regain some control even if unrealistic. I also had an induction with the drip as my waters had started slowly to break. Yes i ended up wit han emergency section however i dread to think what could have happened if any infection had gotten i nto J or even my body. I think that if we listened to every con of every part of pregnancy and even child rearing then we probably wouldnt have children. I think that there are to many if and buts about everything regarding it that arent worth worrying about. Especially things like natural induction. Eg if you order food thats a bit too spicy i dont feel like you;re doing harm to your baby, i dont feel like long walks are harmful to your baby, i took epo, i couldnt even physically have sex at the end, and J came in a really slow drawn out fashion and i dont think thats because i ate spicy stuff or went for walks....i did that throughout my whole pregnancy esp the walking and nothing happened. J did come when he was ready however i did like trying to take some control back.

There are some people who smoke all the way through pregnancy which we are told is detrimental to their babies health nd end up with perfectly healthy babies, and i didnt smoke or drink at all (save from the first 2 weeks when i didnt realise)throughout my pregnancy and J has allergies and esczma. i dont think therefore that we can say eating spicy food or going for walks etc is going to hurt our children.

Andthe drip induction thing im sorry but if your babies health is at risk then you (anyone) will do it. it is highly dangerous to leave your child in their after 42 weeks as the placenta starts to die. The reason some people dont have inductions is because they cant afford to or they dont have the nhs.....

i wouldnt have given my induction up for the world. it was traumatic yes, however i preferred haing a caesarean than risking Js life longer than i had to,

I think if you get to say 42 weeks, you're fed up, your midwife says baby is deteriorating in there and placenta begins to die and you've been told this by a medical professional, you're more than likely going to have something done about it as sometimes unfortunately these things can't really be helped. We can't say whether we would take an induction or not because at that point in pregnancy all you want to do is meet yourbaby and if they are at risk I think I'd have an induction jar to ensure safety, the only thing I don't like is the drip. I think that sounds a bit savage! Thanks melio for letting me know the pessary is ok, I'll feel a lot better about having that now if I need it.
My grandmother was left till she was three weeks overdue when she was pregnant with my aunt. She knew the midwives had the dates wrong, but they wouldn't listen to her. When she eventually went into labour, Jennifer came out skin cracked, placenta damaged, and the long and short of it is, that my grandma had to have a hysterectomy. Emma i totally understand where you're coming from, but it's slightly naive to say that you would go to 45 weeks. Yes, when we didn't have the nhs this wouldnt have happened...but we also had a MUCH higher infant mortality rate due to such complications like I mentioned earlier. I don't think it's a bad thing to take advantage of the nhs, women are offered induction only when the midwives feel it's beneficial. Some women are recommend to wait till they go naturally, some women need induction. In the cases where the women need to be induced, it's likely that these would be the women years ago that would have had complications with birth, could possibly have died in childbirth. I totally respect your opinion, but It wouldn't hurt to consider all the facts, and consider why induction is also a good thing. There are probably women who are members of the forum on here, who, without induction, would have had major complications.
yeah J just couldnt 'fit' through my twink........he was a major complicated little man, but there was NOOOOOOOOOO way he was coming out naturally. x
We are very lucky in this country to have the NHS, how do you think other countries get on when babies are beyond 40 weeks? Ridiculous statement! Sorry but please!!!

If you look at the statistics, the uk has one of the lowest infant and mother mortality rates in the world, so please don't try and make it out like induction is pointless. In These other countries, who don't have the nhs, and can't afford health insurance so induction wouldn't be an option, but an emergency treatment, I think you'll find it's much higher.
Interesting to get a midwife's perspective on it, I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it as I don't think it rally makes a blind bit of difference as to when baby comes!

I have been drinking the tea since 32weeks (now on 4 cups a day) and started taking EPO capsules (not up my floo though I'll have you know :shock::lol:) today. Have been ball bouncing since about 27weeks due to terrible SPD and being reccomended to use it by the physio. My baby is head down but not engaged and I have had NO real signs apart from a loads of BH contractions.

I don't think Emma was having a personal dig either, just starting a healthy discussion as she said in her first post :)
yeah i dont think it was dig either rheych! and i think its great that its created such opions!!x
I dont think it wasa dig either :) I think its great that everyone has such difefrent opinions :) It's always interesting to hear them too :) As a student its good for me, cause goodness knows how many diffrent opinions i'll be coming across in my career, so very good t hear them all and their reasons, and see both sides :) x

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