Hi Girls
I am now 5 days overdue and getting very impatient!!! I dont feel any different at all and I am convinced LO has taken up squatters rights and will have to be evicted!
I have an appointment to see my midwife on Tues (9 days over) when she will attempt a sweep. I know these arent always successful and that they normally try 2 before going on to insert gels etc to try and induce you. I am a bit confused about the timescales for each of these though as I have heard they dont like to let you go more than 2 weeks over?
Anyone have any knowledge /experience of this?
Thanks for your help
I am now 5 days overdue and getting very impatient!!! I dont feel any different at all and I am convinced LO has taken up squatters rights and will have to be evicted!
I have an appointment to see my midwife on Tues (9 days over) when she will attempt a sweep. I know these arent always successful and that they normally try 2 before going on to insert gels etc to try and induce you. I am a bit confused about the timescales for each of these though as I have heard they dont like to let you go more than 2 weeks over?
Anyone have any knowledge /experience of this?
Thanks for your help