In need of some hope


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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Last week I had a d&c for a blinded ovum. Sad days.....
We do want to try one more time but I am terrified.

Are there around here people that had a mmc and then successful pregnancies?

I feel so empty...
There are several girls on here who have :hug: there's always hope :hug: mc's are traumatic but you are willing to try again and I'm sure you'll end up with your much wanted baby soon xx
I had a mc last April and I'm 2 weeks away now from the first addition to my family! It was so hard I never thought I'd get to this stage but I'm here, and I would not have this little man if last april didnt happen u know. Keep positive, it will happen, it does take time and it is hard sometimes but u will get that result u want in the end x

Last week I had a d&c for a blinded ovum. Sad days.....
We do want to try one more time but I am terrified.

Are there around here people that had a mmc and then successful pregnancies?

I feel so empty...

after my friend had her daughter she had 5 mmc in a row and most of them resulted in a d&c she is now 7 months gone with her second daughter xxxxxxx
So sorry to hear your news! good luck and i have my fingers crossed for you xx
So sorry for your loss hun. I am in same position as you. Had MC in January and now trying again. I know loads of the girls on here have gone on to have successful pregnancies after MC so there is is always hope.:hugs::hugs:
i had a mmc at xmas it was my second mc has i had one in 2008 then went on to have my son just over a year later don't give up hope i know its hard but it will happen for you xxx

forgot to say i am now just over 12 weeks pregnant again x
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