In and out of hozzie..what joy :-(


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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I havent been on since Sunday!! But I have good reason...

Monday was my 21st birthday and spent the day with Rich and my parents which was lovely. :D

Tuesday morning I woke up feeling fine and went to the loo, like you do first thing. I wiped and there was a big, red blood clot on the tissue!! I panicked! I called Rich and told him to come home and then the hozzie and they said to come in immediately.

I was monitored for most of yesterday and baby was fine. Cervix was closed and like they said when I had my bleed at 21 weeks, they couldnt see where the bleeding was coming from. They wanted to keep me in for obs for 24 hours but I came home at 5ish cos I was so fed up :cry:

I came home and had period type pains all night. I was fretting that something wasnt quite right. Woke up this morning still having achy pains, left it till lunchtime and then phoned hozzie again as I was worried.

Been in all afternoon again for monitoring and baby is looking fine as is everything else which is great and they have put the pains down to stretching ligament pain.

Im hoping this is the last of my problems now!!!!! I really dont like being in hospital but was glad to go back today for reassurance.

What a fun week ive been having :rotfl:
:hug: Awww Jade, it doesnt sound fun at all but your little man is worth it isnt he :D :hug:

Just keep telling yourself it will all be over soon and youll have LO in your arms :D
Bless you hun,you are doing the right thing though getting checked out even though it's not nice having to go to hospital,hope this is the last of it and you can try and relax again :hug: xx
Yeah it will definately be worth it alright!! :D

The hozzie were very strict they said to ring/come back if I have any more problems, which I think is good as it doesnt make you feel like your being a pest, you know!
Aww I hope you are ok, I went through simmalar with Luke and they kept me in, having the contractions now but nothing els so im just waiting to see what happens! they wouldnt have let you out if they were worried. Good luck :hug:
aww! :hug: Hospitals are such boring places! i feel less stressed out when i am at home.

Fingers crossed the next time you are in one is to have LO!! :hug:
Aw poor you jade. :hug:

Glad everything is ok with the little man :hug:
aww hun poor you!!!
im glad everything was fine!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww jade what a shock but im glad you're alright now :hug:
Sorry to hear you've had such a scare - hope things will go smoothly for the next 7 weeks!! :hug: :hug:
hey twinny, what a pair we are hey??? :rotfl:

hopefully this is last of trauma for us both now!!!

you could be right about us having boys who cause us trouble :rotfl:

the sister on this ward is convinced iam havibg a girl, she said she has never been wrong, and i defo look like iam carryibg a this space hey :wink:

big hugs hunny xxxxx
welcome home now hunny :hug: :hug: glad everything is ok with you and bubba, try and get as much rest as you can and take it easy for the next few weeks and you little man will arrive safe in his mummy's arms :hug: believe me i know how you feel with the hosp thing :hug: :hug: take care love xxx
Awwwww thanks everyone your so sweet!!

I do think your having a girl too Zoe, but we will have to wait and see!

If you are having a girl, she is going to be a terror in her teens putting you through all this :rotfl:
We shall spend the next 18 years telling our LOs what they put us through during pregnancy :rotfl:
Sorry to hear you have been in hospital. Hope your feeling better !!!!!!!!!!!

Hannah X
zoe c said:
We shall spend the next 18 years telling our LOs what they put us through during pregnancy :rotfl:

my mum still does!

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