My sis in hozzie tonight-bleeding**Updated Thursday 17th***

I am ok thanks Sarah :hug: Just tired and weepy today too, the reality of past few days has hit me tonight and I cant stop crying..its been mad few days, and I have tried to stay brave for OH, sis and parents but deep down I have been scared as hell for me/sis/baby

Onwards and upwards now though hey, we will all look back on this as a dim and distant memory soon :pray:
awww hun after everything u have been thro no one will be surprised that its hit u now!
crying will help always helps me least ur sis and oliva are doing well and ur home and baby is less that 10 weeks away from being here
I know hun, I just hope I have a good birth now :pray:

we have all had enough trauma for a while :talkhand:
I'm sure you will be absolutely fine Zoe.

That picture is so cute, I take it that is Olivia's Dad? He is very doting!!!! Glad everyone is back on the mend xxx
Yup, thats my bro in law/Olivias daddy-he is besotted with her.

They cant cuddle her properly as her likkle legs are sore-bent like a tiny frog but scan has ruled out any damage, she is just been in a funny position in the womb they said

Will get some nice piccies of them all once Ze is feeling normal, and they can have a proper family cuddle :cheer:
Im glad all things are looking positive with your sister and baby Olivia!!

Lets hope she gets on the ward and is home with LO in no time :hug:

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