I am in hozzie

good luck for the scan, hopefully you'll be allowed home soon and then you can go see your sis xx
hope your feeling better soon i know hospital is horrid you poor thing but at least your in the best place x
hey hun how r u feeling today?
hope scan went well
between u and ur sis hey ur poor familys lol
they are trying to aavoid scanning me coz of babes so doing more blood tests this affy

my sis is very poorly tho, family have been trying to keep it from me since last night but i knew somethibg was up and got out of them. she is in theatre now, still losibg blood from c section and they dont know why

i wish i could see her, i just wanted to hold her

:cry: :cry: :cry:
ohhh no Zoe :( I hope you will both be ok. let us know how it goes :hug:
OH HUN im so sorry ur sis is not well is she in the same hospital?? would they allow u to see her
hope ur feeling ok with ur chest tho, could it be due to stress coz of ur sis?
no, more likely a clot or muscular they say.....

she is asking for me, so will try and get over there later if she is well enuf for visitxxx
awww hun hope she is ok not like neither u or her have been thro enough in the last 2 + weeks
:hug: :hug: :hug:

You're not having much luck sweetie are you? :hug:

Hope they manage to sort you out soon, hope your sister is ok too...

Not been a very good few days, things can only get better.

Hope you get to see sister and baby soon :hug:
Oh dear honey i hope u get better soon and all the luck in the world for ur poor sister!
Let us know how ur getting on! I hope u get to see ur sis soon! :hug:
i couldnt believe it when hev told me you was in hozzi :shock: hope everythings ok zoe, we need ya back bawling over madi's pics :wink: lol
get better soon hun :hug:
also hope your sis is better soon too!!! :hug:
Hi babes!

Only just got on the Forum (since Sunday :shock: ) and caught up!

Got all your texts, been in and out of hozzie myself this week so know how your feeling!!!

You rest up, look after that baby and get well soon.

Love to you all, send my best wishes to your sister too xxx
JaidyBaby said:
Hi babes!

Only just got on the Forum (since Sunday :shock: ) and caught up!

Got all your texts, been in and out of hozzie myself this week so know how your feeling!!!

You rest up, look after that baby and get well soon.

Love to you all, send my best wishes to your sister too xxx

U ok Jade?
Any news today Zoe? Are you OK? Still in hosp??
And Jaidy - are you OK???
L x
So sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Really hope you & your sister both get be.tter soon

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