I am in hozzie

still in, blood tests inconclusive for clot due to pregnancy may mask results. scan was booked then unbooked, they were happy to just observe me overnight instead

water sample show fubgal infection canadia i think which can be a sign of gestational diabeties..got to monitor glucose levels :roll:

been to spend an hour with sis, it was brill. herblood is stable now, if they can get her off oxygen she wil go to ward instead off one to one care in high deoendency unit...sshe got to cuddle olivia twice today so is thrilled

while i was in there, we heard a woman giving birth :shock: :shock: oh my GOD, it sounds painful!!! midwives are so lovely, they showed me round and reassured me a bit :?
Awww glad alls getting better honey! Its great u got to see your sis and she got a cuddle!! I hope u both are out of there soon!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad your sis is on the mend Zoe :hug:

Hope they find out whats wrong with you soon :hug: sounds like a right nightmare :( , all the best Zoe and lets us know how you get on :hug:
will do my lovlies, thank you for all your support and best wishes for me and sisxxxxxx
Yes, love to all of you Zoe. Hope you're all out of there soon!
Jayceesmumma said:
JaidyBaby said:
Hi babes!

Only just got on the Forum (since Sunday :shock: ) and caught up!

Got all your texts, been in and out of hozzie myself this week so know how your feeling!!!

You rest up, look after that baby and get well soon.

Love to you all, send my best wishes to your sister too xxx

U ok Jade?

Yeah im cool Jo, I have posted about my drama in another post in this section.

Zoe and I are twinny dolls, we cant do anything without the other inclusging going into hozzy :roll: :rotfl:
Aww Zoe, only just caught up with this thread. Sorry that you have been poorly, glad that all is well with LO and that you have been able to pop up and see your sister, that must have been a great tonic for you both. How are you doing today hunny?
I am home!!!!!!!! Yippeee. Its great to be here on my lap top with my lovely OH and doggie....

Doc was happy for me to go, my blood test was inconclusive for a clot, pregnancy raises the levels and masks the results aparently and they didnt want to scan me incase of risk to bubba so they have been mointoring my blood pressure/temp/stats for a few days and hey have been steady so its unlikely there is a clot :cheer:

Got to wait for water results but its looking like a yeast infection, and they are mointoring glucose levels incase the infection is start of gestational diabeties (sp?)

I missed you all, that keyboard on hozzie internet is a pain in the butt!!! Got fed up in the end xx
Hi, good news your home and all seems well, hows your sis and family?

Bev x x
Glad you're home at last Zoe. That must've been a traumatic few days esp. with your sis.
Keep us posted on the diabetes front. The doctor has said the same to me and I had bloods taken this morning to check sugar levels. Should get results on Tuesday.
Thinking of you. Take it easy now.
Glad your home Zoe. Better resting in your own bed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take Care and Best wishes to you and your sis.

Hannah X
glad you are home. :hug:

Put your feet up and take it easy!
JaidyBaby said:
Jayceesmumma said:
JaidyBaby said:
Hi babes!

Only just got on the Forum (since Sunday :shock: ) and caught up!

Got all your texts, been in and out of hozzie myself this week so know how your feeling!!!

You rest up, look after that baby and get well soon.

Love to you all, send my best wishes to your sister too xxx

U ok Jade?

Yeah im cool Jo, I have posted about my drama in another post in this section.

Zoe and I are twinny dolls, we cant do anything without the other inclusging going into hozzy :roll: :rotfl:
Lol bless ya! At least ur not alone in it!
glad your home rest up and take it easy zoe and jade please. thats an order!!

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