In a proper sulk now...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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right before I explain just let me do this... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :twisted: :x :twisted: :x :twisted: :x :cry: :cry: :cry:

OK, my midwife has just been.. it's my due date tomorrow and she wouldn't do a sweep :shakehead: :shakehead:

She said because I see the consultant on Tuesday at the hospital I have to wait until then. I am well p*ssed off. I even begged.

Gonna go out shopping now... OH says I can go and cheer myself up and spend some money but I'd rather have a sweep!
Aawww, hang in there, maybe things will start over the weekend by themselves. Dont pass up the shopping opportunity while you can, go and treat yourself! Wish my OH would say that to me..... :D

Good luck :hug:
I've gone into a complete sense of denial... This baby is never going to be born... in fact i'm just putting weight on... I'm not really pregnant at all :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I would go shopping but I just cba.. Its too much like hard work and I ALWAYS end up needing to pee the moment my foot goes out the front door...

I've got a consultants appointment on Wednesday next week.... I'm hoping I won't make that appointment :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Make your way to your local craft shop and treat yourself to a crochet hook and a mirror on a stick :rotfl:
i asked my MW to do a sweep at my next app, 1 day b4 due date, she said they're not allowed to do them b4 term + 7 now so gotta wait till my hospital app :roll:

go shopping, maybe you're waters will go while you're out :rotfl:
Oh pooh :x :x :x

It's so frustrating isn't it, especially when in the US, not only do they check for dilation and effacement, but they do sweeps regularly from 36 weeks on at every appointment. All the ladies due the same time as me on another forum I'm on are all having their babies before me :( or are at least having signs. I have no idea if my cervix is even dilated.

I've not got my next appointment till T+8 now. I won't have a sweep till then. I really hope I don't make it to that one.
There are not too many people I wouldn't let shuve a hand up there if I thought it would help :wall: :wall:

If its any consolation my sweep did sod all - nothing!!!
thanks everyone...been out and bought some more baby things and lots of fresh pineapple! Feeling a bit better now... was in a right grump before!!
Kimbo said:
hehehe cant believe its ur turn next!

I reckon I'm gonna need dynamite to shift this baby... wouldn't surprise me if you go first... in fact it would be bloody typical...the icing on the big fat pregnant cake! :roll: :roll:
Well seeing as I've already established that this baby is NEVER going to come out. you'll all be before me :wall: :lol:

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