Hi love
I am in like the same boat as you.. except I
was trying lol.
I had my implant out I think just less than the six years but I got mine taken out as I was piling on the weight and wanted to get in shape for TTC as I have wanted a baby for years so I knew it wouldnt happen immediately after the implanon. Im 21 too
I got it out in the December of 2011, we were NTNP for a whole year but then we were only trying for two cycles and got our BFP.
I found that it did take a wee while for my periods to settle - roughly six months to go back to a normal monthly cycle with the exception of a few days late here and there. I bled straight after my implant was removed but my cycles were far from normal. You need to monitor your cycles for a period of time before you can actually tell if you have went back to normal. You said you had a period on 6th May, but you may or may not get a normal period after this, you would need to wait and see.
The thing that I found the implant kind of muddled for me and it still didnt go back to normal when we were TTC was my CM (cervical mucus) usually around the fertile time of the month your body produces kind of raw egg white discharge but I got mine randomly through my cycle so this wasnt a clear indication to when I was oving. I used c+ lube which is good for TTC it increases sperm mobility and nurishes them, also helps them survive inside longer and get them to where they need to go. This helped me alot, going back on my notes I found that the first night I used C+ was the night of conception!
Obviously everyone is different but I wanted to share my experience, it can take a bit of time but then for others it doesnt. The year that I was NTNP I was obviously just having sex at the wrong times lol.
I think if you are itching to get onto the TTC scene then buy a big bunch of cheapie opks from ebay and test every day, when you see you have your surge, BD.
The month I concieved I used C+, vitamins and followed SMEP (sperm meets egg plan - google it) the first month I did all of these together we got our BFP
Use this time that you have getting your body into shape for TTC, even purchase some folic acid this helps with blood production and is really good to take before starting TTC and through early pregnancy. I was only taking vitamins a full month before I got pregnant so they do kick in fast!
If you need any more advice, give me a shout! PS - sorry its soooo long!
Good luck!