Imformation evening at hospital


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Im heading out very soon to the hospital where im gonna have our baby we have an open nite for pregnant women and partners to go and check out the ward, delivery room etc and find out lots of info for when the time comes there is also a shop of some sort not sure what all is available to buy but it says you can bring cash, looking forward to it so ill fill everyone in later this evening or tomoro.
Wow, that sounds good! Wish our hospital did something like that - I don't think they have tours or anything :(
Wow its great they do them so early, Im off to visit my hospital on a tour next week at 32 weeks - guess it will be tough by then if I decide I dont like it :D
Well our evening yesterday was really good we had a gynie man speaking and a midwife telling us things what to expect etc, the gynie man says also here they dont use the gas and air anymore for health reasons as no one knows really the effects on the baby and its the health and safety teams that dont allow it anymore they use either the back injection if you want it or an infuse in your hand with pain killers its your choice at the end of the day also if you dont want anything as they said also its better if you and control your own pain :) . they also said a little over breast feeding, We saw the rooms where we will have our baby and then after where we will spend either a few hrs or the nite, we saw a video also of a birth and what they do after the baby is born eg clean baby, check it etc. and after that we had a room where we could go see like stalls with baby products, breast pumps, baby baths, baby birth cards, baby food, toys so all in all it was a good evening id say to all of you if any off you get a chance to do this from your hospital go and check it out.
That sounds really good. I always feel more relaxed if I know what to expect/where I'll be going etc. How did you find out about it? Did they tell you at a previous appointment or something?
kaybee said:
How did you find out about it? Did they tell you at a previous appointment or something?

Hi Kaybee, no it was advertised in our newspaper and my b/f then rang and made the appointment there was a really good turn out i reckon maybe 40 couples, and we where put into 3 different groups so we all where not walking around the hospital at once :)

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