I'm starting to miscarry


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
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I have my d&c booked in for Friday but I think it's starting.

If my baby died at 8.4 weeks what is it going to look like?

When I miscarried before (no HB so less than 5.5 wks) it was just a sack.

Please help I'm scared x
i miscarried at 9 weeks but i dont know when exactly the baby died.....but i passed what looked like a large clot, i assuming it was the baby in the sack. it was just a bit bigger than a 50p piece...

What are you experiencing now chick? xx
Hey honey, sorry to hear your bleeding. I just passed large clots as well and it wasnt horrendous. Just make sure yoy take care of yourself, take time for you. Its easy to say but dont panic you will be ok! Want to give you a big hug! Xxx
if it becomes really heavy and you are at all concerned or you start to feel dizzy or anything, then get yourself to A&E. But if it's a 'controllable loss' then plenty of tea and stocked up on pain killers....

sorry to hear you are going through this......xxx
I agree with sams girl -just keep an eye on bleeding, If you have to change a pad after 20 secs or less, then that's too much, then go to a&e to get checked - hope your ok X
For me the Bleeding was quite heavy only for about 30mins with me both times. For me it was much like giving birth. I passed the sack and the baby first with a little bit of bleeding then about 20mins later stronger contractions started and I passed the rest. I only bled heavily for 30mins then it went to a normal period for one day and then just brown spotting for the next few days. I had a total of 4-5 days bleeding. I got my first period 29 days after I passed the baby. Unfortunately my Doc said it was all a good sign because my body was doing exactly what it was meant to do which meant that there was nothing wrong with me. I think he was trying to help.

As for the baby I just flushed my first one and regretted it. The second one I fished out of the toilet and buried it under the apple tree we planted for it. It was in it's sack and it looked just like the pictures on those weekly pregnancy sites, I know this is TMI so don't read the rest if you wish. I could see it's eyes and arms. The baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. I'm glad I fished it out I felt much better then I had the first time I felt I said goodbye properly, but THAT IS ME! Not everyone is the same.
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Both times were 11.5 weeks for me and neither time I looked. My husband did last time though because I wanted at least one of us to. He is far tougher than I am. At 11.5 weeks there is a lot more to see but at any gestation it really is horrible to go through. Absolutely every woman is different in what she wants to do. I prefer to think of my little ones as the people I imagined them being xxx
Depends how graphic you want us to be as to say what to expect.......I had a natural miscarriage at 7 weeks at the beginning of November - I had already had some light bleeding and a scan - saw baby and heartbeat. but had a bleed inside behind the sac. Next day I wiped and there was some tissue like a little bloddy bean shape with tubes attached! so i knew it wasn't just a blood clot - then I had a repeat scan that day which confirmed that the sac had ruptured and the fetus gone - then the following day the sac came out - i felt it pass and fished it out to look and it looked like the size of a fresh fig and same shape just deflated - and was kind of grey/pink colour. I only bled for a bit after that - but during the 2 days it took for things to come out I had lots of cramps and bleeding - but only like a heavy period.
How are you doing today? I'm sorry you are going through this :hugs:
Glad you're doing ok. If it gets too bad, then don't be afraid to call docs/hospital.

Take some pain relief if you can. Hope it holds off until tomorrow, and it goes ok for you xx
I miscarried twice at 6 & 7 weeks and it was large clots xx

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