I'm sooo f***ing angry **UPDATED**

That's horrble.They are whatever you care to give in my school-people usually give about 10p.Bet the school's pocketing the rest haha.I'd definitly complain
kimheath said:
it mite not just be the school, i tried to buy a poppy in tesco's the other day and i wanted one of the larger ones for my daughter. i thought becus its bigger £1 was a sufficant(sp) donation but the guy sellin them sed they were £1.50 :shock: i said i thought it was just a donation that was needed and he looked at me in disgust so i gave him the £1.50 and also didnt want to dissappoint my daughter.

i would defo go to the school tho it is shocking, i would think 30p is plenty for a poppy.

i volunteered for the british legion two years ago and for a small normal poppy any donation is ok, but i was told that for a bigger poppy it was (i think at the time ) a pound nad "car" poppies were £2 i think, but i would complain as that is totally unfair especially to disapoint a child :x
Thats awful, surely a school wouldnt make up a policy for poppies. My reception class love it when the poppies come to our class. Some of them only have 2p but they still get a poppy. I would ask tomorrow what happened.x
yea thats stupid, can i go complain for ya :)

grrr poor little girl. she should get one for free after that and some stickers :) and free juice :)
Im pretty sure the british legion themselves wouldnt charg all of that, just the cheeky buggers selling the poppis.

I used to get mine for a few pence at school.
That's appalling, good on you for complaining. You must be so proud of your daughter, what a selfless act on her part. Let us know if you do contact the Royal British Legion.

put a story in your local paper!

big :hug: :hug: :hug: to u and ur wee star
maybebaby said:
That's appalling, good on you for complaining. You must be so proud of your daughter, what a selfless act on her part. Let us know if you do contact the Royal British Legion.

I did contact the RBL and the first person I got through to on the fundraising team was as appalled as we are and said what the school was doing is probably not legal and it needed looking into. So, she put me through to the local county team. Well :wall: :wall: hopeless!! They said they agree, there is no minimum donation, but can understand why the school has set this limit and there is nothing they can do to stop them :shock: :shakehead:

Oh well! At least I tried - and at least the Head knows his decision has been questioned :roll:
You should explain to the headmaster that teaching children the value of money sets them in good stead for the rest of their life and helps to make them responsible hardworking honest adults. By refusing your daughters kind offer of charity the school has shown your little girl that no matter how much you try and how much you give sometimes it gets thrown back in your face. Definately the wrong message from the people we allow to nurture and teach our children!!!!!!!!

I would be spitting feathers!

Lou :x
I am untterly disgusted. They are charging a £1 a poppy at our middle school. On principle I won't pay it. It isn't the fact that we have to pay a pound, I probably would anyway but the way the school are dictating how much you have to donate. I bought our poppies off a street seller and sent Tim to school with one on. I shall be writing to our governors about this though and expect a response.
Its on the same par as schools arranging school trips and then sending your child home with a letter telling you to pay up X amount or your child misses out. They are cheeky buggers!
I cannot begin to tell you how awful i think that is. :shock: I would def speak to the british legion too and tell them how upset your little girl was. I am sure they will be sympathetic

:hug: :hug:

timsmom said:
I am untterly disgusted. They are charging a £1 a poppy at our middle school. On principle I won't pay it. It isn't the fact that we have to pay a pound, I probably would anyway but the way the school are dictating how much you have to donate. I bought our poppies off a street seller and sent Tim to school with one on. I shall be writing to our governors about this though and expect a response.

This is exactly my point. When I went to the office this morning, the secretary was trying to fob me off by offering me a "cheap" poppy anyway :wall: I refused. This was not the point in me being there :wall:

It's the principal of it. The gesture is surely as important (if not more important) than the monetary value of the donation :evil:

I'm getting mad again lmao :rotfl:
I don't blame you for being mad hun. I would get back onto the woman who told you it was illegal.

My kids school is selling poppies ans most of the kids send in 10p but don't get told that they can't have one.
skairdykat said:
I don't blame you for being mad hun. I would get back onto the woman who told you it was illegal.

My kids school is selling poppies ans most of the kids send in 10p but don't get told that they can't have one.

.... and as far as I am concerened, that is perfectly fine. Like I said before, I think the gesture is so important.

People are always going on about "the kids of today" blah blah blah - what the hell do they expect when they're being knocked back like this :evil:

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