I'm so miserable


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2012
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Sorry for self indulgent thread but I'm just so miserable and don't know how much more I can take.

I had baby 3 weeks ago. He is perfect. We are all coping well with having a new baby and our 4 year old loves him.

But I had a 3rd degree tear, which is infected. I'm now on second lot of antibiotics.

I'm permanently constipated. Tmi, but to the point where the stool is pressing on my bum hole but won't come out. It's so uncomfortable. I'm taking fybogel and lactolose and drinking eating well.

Then I decided to have a feel down below and on the right side near the opening there is a hard lump thing. It wasn't there before. Now I'm wondering if it's some sort of prolapse???

I've honestly gret all day in despair. I just can't take any more and want to feel normal.
Is the lump next to your foof or the other?

Have you tried;

Prune juice
High fibre foods
Plenty of green veg
Sounds odd, but wiping a bit long than needed to stimulate a bowel movement

Hope this helps x

tapatalking x
You poor thing!

You need to speak to your MW or HV hun and book a GP appointment

It's inside my food on the right side.

I'm doing all of that for bowl movement babyem. :-(. It's just so uncomfortable to sit cause the poo is pressing down. Yuk!
Has it come on suddenly? Is the lump painful? Does it seem to have gotten any bigger?

It sounds like it could maybe be a bartholin cyst. I had one and it came on quickly. Id ring MW if its still there tomorrow. Try having a hot bath if you can too, sometimes this helps too x

tapatalking x
I'm seeing gp every week at moment for the infection. I'm going to book Monday re the lump.

It's not a bartholin gland. Wish it was. I've had that all way through preg and doc stitching e up said it was gone and must have burst during forceps and delivery! This is right inside.

I could cope with the infection and poss prolapse or lump. If only I could go to the toilet.
Oh you poor thing, you totally have my sympathy. My stitches got infected too and I had two different kinds of antibiotics before it got better, I spent weeks 1 to 3 just crying in pain on and off. Felt like I couldn't push when I tried to poo or there would be some violent rupturing. As well as the other stuff, what I found helpful was holding a warm to hot flannel against actual bum hole on and off while sitting on loo, maybe try that. Hope you start to feel better soon x
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Thats awful, sounds like youve had a hard time of it hun! Hope GP sorts it for you, big hugs xxx

tapatalking x
Just want to say thanks so much girls.

Had gp this am who sent me straight up to maternity to see consultant. Just home thank goodness and narrowly avoided being admitted.

Turns out the huge lump was indeed the bartholin gland. It had gone to an abscess. I really didn't think it was the bartholin gland as when I was stitched up in theatre the doctor said the cyst had sorted itself. Plus in pregnancy it was huge and filled with fluid whereas last night it was a hard mass all way up foot and into the back!!

Anyway consultant drained it all using her hands! She took bloods and said if infection markers came back high was to admitted for 24 hours for iv antibiotics. Thankfully bloods all fine so got home and just to stay on oral antibiotics. Yay!

Good news is consultant said my wound is healing really well now!

When you get the bmurge for the toilet sit on it with your feet on something like a kids toilet step. It helps it come out on its own so no pushing. After my stitches I was too scared to push as mine had started to come undone :-( I had to double my intake of water to help on top of fibogels.HHope it gets better soon xxx
Well after all this I ended up being admitted back into hospital for this bartholins abscess and had surgery under general anesthetic. Stayed in for the night and got home tea time last night. Was in agony after the surgery, but woke up this morning and doesn't seem as bad.

My baby is 4 weeks today and this has been going on since his birth, between infected stitches then this. Problem is that both are exactly on same place hence why infections and so much pain.

I'm just hoping and praying it's the end of it all and I'm recovering!

I've never has so many antibiotics in my life. Was back on iv antibiotics in hospital and now home with more. Got a review with a consultant next week.

Fx I'm on the mend and I can actually leave the house soon to go somewhere other than gp and hospital!!!!!
sounds like you've had an awful 4 weeks! i hope you are recovering ok now.

Can't believe you have your 1 month old lil man, I was your ttc cycle buddy for a bit, lol.
Sounds like youve had an awful time, hope you feel better soon x

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