I'm Overdue!


Not long till Lil Evie makes her appearance!! She's gonna be a cutie :hug:
Thanks ladies!! :hug:

I feel even better today because I've had only ONE text asking if baby has arrived! :cheer: (And that was Ewan - JoAnn's OH - :lol: He quickly said "JoAnn put me up to that by the way" :rotfl: )

My Mum has completely backed off about the whole "I think she'll be early" & my Dad's realised that babies CAN be overdue lol, my brothers are fed up of waiting but seem to have got over the fact that the 22nd August has now passed and there's no date everyone's waiting for iykwim?!

Obviously if I start feeling impatient I'll accept the induction, I just would prefer to experience the first bit at home and letting her arrive by herself, but it's just one of those things I guess! I can't decide when she'll arrive, I'll just have to wait & see!

I just feel like the pressure is finally off and all people can say is "ah it'll be any day now hun" instead of "do you think she'll be early?" & "I think she'll be late" blah blah :dance:

:hug: xxx
:hug: what a great attitude you have to being overdue. Not sure how I would have been but having said that when they did induce me, I would have been happy to have waited as I was so sure I'd be late that I didn't feel mentally ready for little Eleanor to arrive...silly really, I guess I'd never have felt ready. Anyhow, if you do have an induction it's not so bad. One good thing is that you don't go through the whole worry of when to get yourself off to hospital and there's no worry of waters breaking in Tescos which is just as well as when my waters broke it was like a dam breaking and soaked the midwife :oops:

Enjoy these last few days before you meet your little Evie! :hug:

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