I'm out again this month girls!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Well the :witch: got me this morning. Was woken at 6am with agonising cramps that I still have.

:cry::cry: I am so upset again. TTC is really hard and I didn't think it would be.

Good luck to everyone else still in!! :dust::dust:

Sorry to hear that. Evil :witch:! How long have you been TTC?

Don't give up!!

sorry she got you lovely its a horrible feeling when you try so hard and counting down the days too testing and then the cow arrives :hug::hug:
godd luck for next month your change of having a christmas baby xxx
Sorry to hear that FB :hug: dont think I will be far behind you. Lots of babydust to all the ladies out and fingers crossed for everyone still in xx
Thanks girls. Been TTC since start of December. I know it isn't long but it seems to be. Oh well back to the drawing board as my OH says. I have an appointment with my dr next week anyway.

I wan't to check there is nothing wrong with me. I'm only young, I should be able to conceive! :wall2:

:evil: I'm having a real paddy this morning. :wall:

Yes louise, it does it give me a chance of a Christmas baby...also the last chance of a baby born this year :cry:

i am with you on this FB, i am young and dont understand why i havent concieved yet, been trying since december too
I'm 24 and concieved in January after trying for 5 months. Try not to stress too much hon. Fingers crossed for next month and lots of baby dust!
That's good to know. My OH is convinced there is something wrong with one of us. Fingers crossed that there isn't...he's got me worried about it now!

I feel like my someone is trying to pull my spine out of my lower back...ouch!

Sorry that :witch: got you and that she is causing you pain. Dont worry they say that for a healthy young couple the average is 4 months so dont panic yet!!!! lots of baby dust for next month :)
Aw hon, I'm sorry - here's to us all getting BFPs next month xxxx
Sorry AF got you hun , dont give up hope the pregnancy will happen x
Sorry AF got you hun , dont give up hope the pregnancy will happen x

Thanks...I hope yours does too!

I'm feeling a bit better now. Was really painful so I spent the day in bed with a hotwater bottle! I'm not going to TTC properly this month, I am off on holiday in two and a half weeks so at least I will be able to have a glass or two of wine!


Sorry that the witch has come!!! Good luck for next month! Hope its really lucky for you and your partner and you get pregnant!!! I've got my fingers crossed for you!! xxxxxx
so sorry she got you hun, wishing you luck for this cycle. loads of baby dust xxxx
rrrrrrrrr so sorry hunni....

I hope next month is your month! I know exactly how you are feeling and if you ever want to chat then pm me, as I am more than happy to listen to rants lol

Donna xx
Hey FlopsyB, oh no, really sorry to hear that. I had great hopes for us this month! Alas :witch:got me last night also.

I've been it the wars today too.... nearly passed out at work from the pain (everything went grey then fell straight onto my colleagues desk :-s very embarassing...)
Isn't it a cruel twist of fate - we spend half our lives at the mo going through the stress of 2ww, made even worse by having PMT at the same time. Then when AF comes, it's not enough for us to be mega depressed about the lack of BFP, we have to go through the hell of af pains just to top it all off!!!

But hey to end on a positive note, wouldn't a christmas baby be soooo much nicer than a November baby anyway? ;-) Xx
Good positive thinking!! You're right, it is so unfair. Especially when I hear of people who have kids and don't want them...I just sit there and think how unfair it is. If I had a little one I would love it to bits!

Good luck for next month :dust:


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