I'm new to this and I THINK I'm pregnant.

Hi Ladies

I'm new to this so bear with me! lol. I am 3 days late and having symptoms such as bad taste in mouth, tired, tearful, boobs seem fuller and a little achy, easily annoyed, feeling quite warm....Anyway, just bought a First Response test and got a POSITIVE result. Already have 2 girls and miscarried last July. Anxious about this little one sticking...I guess thats only natural after a miscarriage.
congratulations BabyGaGa :D fx you have a happy and healthy bundle in 9months x
aaaw big congratulations babygaga!! :D
Best of luck in the next 9 months and beyond!
hi ladies, Jellybean I know how you feel, I am in almost the exact same position as you; currently 12dpo (d27ofc29) and have been getting right sided sharp uterus pain from 7dpo onwards, noticed veiny boobs 8-dpo, today peeing ALOT and now have a headache! drank normal amount so strange 4 me and I don't get headaches normally. boobs seem to be "noticeable" and on/off achey, fuller etc. I am sick of second guessing body symptoms and thinking I can be def PG or not!!! had MC wk6 in early Dec and this is 4 months of trying!! I know patience is a virtue but please bring BFP to me and my OH this Friday!! :-) good luck to all you lovely ladies out there!!! becoming a mummy is quite a journey but def worth it xxxxxx keeping positive for happy news for you all xxxx
Ahh took another test yesterday morning, still negative, forgot to take one this morning (today is when AF is due) will test later again, but it really isnt looking hopefull.

Checked my cervix it was soft high open and wet and it's now low closed and hard guess that means the witch is in on her way?


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