Im Losing my marbles.. im actually looking forward to go into labour!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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I think ive lost it....

Ive already been through it before so should know whats coming, but i dont think it was a 'normal' labour!!!
ill explain why...

it started at 33wk + 3

i started getting a period pain that came and went but didnt think anything of it.. so took a couple of paracetamol and then i would say 4hours later i started to feel them more where i had to stop what i was doing and just breathe through them didnt feel painful but really uncomfortable OH was at work, but never ever thought it was labour, just thought baby had turned or

OH came home a hour later and i told him about the uncomfortable feeling i was getting so he said go for a bath.. well then it hit me!! i was having tighenings every 3 mins and didnt get out for about a hour! by this time i just couldnt move as i didnt seem to get a break from the tightenings, still not thinking im in labour! (how stupid).. anyway OH rang his mum and explained and she rang my mum as she was my birthing partner as was OH... so she came round and my own mother didnt think i was in labour as i was handling it soo well! we rang hospital and they told us to come in just to be checked over, but was told i might have to wait a while as they were very busy!! so we got there and they examined me and said i was 10CM!!!!!:shock: and my waters was bulging so had to fake push to burst my waters which exploded across the room!!! (was funny) about 5 minuites after my waters bursting i got the urge to push (weirdest feeling in the world as you cant control it) and 4 big pushes later with no noise.. brooke was born weighing 4lb 10oz.. i had no pain relief.. everyone was shocked as it just happened so quickly!!

anyway i think thats why im looking forward to it as i know that i will be very lucky to have a kinda pain free labour and delivery again.. and im quite looking forard as to how well i cope this time... it might all go T*ts up and be absolute nightmare and i will be in horrendous pain but im hoping i can keep control and have a great labour again!!

sorry for long post.. i think i just got carried away with all the excitment of

any one else looking forward to it or is it just me? hehe xxx
I am not looking forward to it but WOW love your labour story! Must of been great to have such an easy labour...I won't be so lucky, i bet mine is awful lol xxx
I'm actually looking forward to it myself. The first obvious reason is that we will finally have our little baby, but the other part is that I love medical procedures. In my time so far, I've had to have a few surgeries, and I have always found the entire process really quite fascinating (plus the hospital garb was fun to run around in!). While I'm expecting horrific pain, I still can't help but be excited to see how this all plays out. I think I'm a bit off in the head. :looped:
im absolutely terrified but thanks for sharing your lovely labour story :) x
I'm terrified even though I've done it b4 lol I don't think it's labour I'm more scared of baby being like Amy with the nose so I'm worried about that which I guess everyone would be but know the baby is growing properly and is measuring bigger or helping me relax a lil bit x
Hey kelly your not a perverse kind of way Im actually really looking forward to it too....and also having been there before I know whats coming and no doubt will not be feeling so happy about whats looming when the time comes but yes I am with you on this one!

I thinks its more because we now were going to have our babies at the end that keeps spurring us on!! Exciting times xx
i'm not looking forward to all....i'm terrified!!! x
I'm not scared yet, more curious to see how it will feel and how it will go. Although I have no idea what to expect, I've been a birthing partner but its different when its you. So maybe if I knew what was ahead then I would be scared! hehe

Im lookinf forward to it as Ive had a horrific pregnancy so far plus labour = Babytime! woohoo!x
Like Pinky, I'm more curious to see how much it actually hurts and what it feels like than scared about it. Will be so exciting to actually have the baby at the end - STILL seems unreal!
Aww what a lovely labour story Kelly :) lucky you!!

I'm terrified lol! My Mum didn't have any pain relief for me or my sister, she had gas and air for my wee brother. Her longest labout was 4 hours and she had my little brother in an hour, he popped out in the ambulance on the way to the hospital :lol: Hoping I am the same as her haha x
It's kind of strange, I am dreading it, not for the labour itself, can't wait to meet pickle, but more because I know pickle is safe inside me, in the big wide world, I have far less control over what happens to him/her.

Just want baby to be safe and inside me, I can make sure pickle is far safer.

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