I'm down


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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I am really down today. I feel like all my pregnancy symptoms have gone and I keep thinking I am no longer pregnant.... I just want to burst into tears and I'm scared to go to the toilet in case i have started bleeding....

Try not to worry too much, easier said than done I know.

You hear about all these people with loads of symptoms...I've had hardly any.
My boobs are a teeny tiny bit bigger but that's it. They are not at all sore, I have absolutely no sickness never have.
No growing pains that I have noticed.

I'm 13 weeks tomorrow and we heard the heartbeat last night so things must still be ok. I must be one of the "Lucky ones".

I still check when I go to the toilet as I'm convinced I'm about to start bleeding.

So believe me it can be perfectly normal to not feel pregnant.

please dont stress and worry over it hun, every woman experiences different symptoms :hug: with my first pregnancy i didnt get anything exceot bleeding needless to say i was sure i wasnt pregnant but i was and when i got my scan i was 10 + 5days :shock:

i didnt get much sickness with that pregnancy and my boobs didnt hurt till after Adele was born.

try stay calm and if your still worrying yourself sick call your midwife and she will re asure yu that everything is fine

thinking of you
:hug: xxxxxxxxxx
hi hun please dont worry its normal not to have symptoms as well as having symptoms, iv just found out im preg again and have been sick for one day but otherwise i feel fine. Like the others have said speak to your midwife, but worry doesnt do you or the baby any good hun.

Take care :hug: :hug: x x
Hiya Tick-tock

I was like this yesterday - exactly the same. My boobs weren't sore and I haven't been sick, or too tired. I just felt fat and not pregnant. I was convinced I had somehow imagined it all. I even did a test when I got home and felt much better when the line came up straight away (before the control line!) and was really dark. So I think its perfectly normal to feel like this. I'm sure anyone suffering with morning sickness thinks we are really lucky. I feel better today so I blame the hormones.

Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh honey, try not to worry, everyone is different and let me tell you, morning sickness aint fun...i have been reallybad and signed off work for 4 weeks...had it morning noon and night, non stop, nose bleeds and everything...
remember everyone is different an every baby is different so we will all have different pregnancies...stress wont help you or bubs,,,have a nice bubble bath and try and relax, easier said than done i know...prayers with you my darling
bxox :hug:
Thank you so much for all your replies.... I feel a lot better this afternoon, although totally whacked.... obviously that PG symptom hasn't left me.

I suppose I am just finding it hard as me and OH have decided not to tell anyone til as close to 12weeks as possible (although with all the xmas parties and my reputation as a bit of a drinker, I think most people will guess). It still doesn't feel real, so any slight lessening of the PG symptoms I do have (sore boobs and tiredness, and obviously the emotional moments like this morning), I start to panic.

Sorry if it seems like I'm praying for MS, I'm not I really don't want that symptom to start at all. I know some of you ladies are really suffering and I am thinking of all of you and hope it passes quickly for you.

Thanks you all so much again (I suppose I have told people really, all of you, and it really does help)
Hi Tick-Tock

I have also had absolutely no major pg symptoms.

My boobs were sore for maybe a week at 5/6 weeks, and I'm tired...thats it!

You really don't need the MS!

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