I'm being haunted by a ghost cat!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I've only recently started seeing it but it really is there!!!
A few weeks ago from the corner of my eye in the baby's room I could see what looked like a black cat but when I turned round it had gone.
I didn't think much of it so I didn't say anything to anyone until a week later when my mum came round, I was standing in the baby's room and my mum suddenly looked really surprised and she said, I'm sure I just saw a black cat behind your legs so I told her that I had seen it too!!
I keep hearing it meow and it's always in Summers room! The other day I saw it poke it's head round the door......In Summers room and last night I clearly heard a loud meow coming through the baby monitor!
I've been in the flat since march and never heard or see anything like that but I've noticed it started happening after Summer was born and I only ever hear it or see it in Summers room.
It's really strange, maybe the cat is her guardian angel or something.....
Vickyleigh said:
I've only recently started seeing it but it really is there!!!
A few weeks ago from the corner of my eye in the baby's room I could see what looked like a black cat but when I turned round it had gone.
I didn't think much of it so I didn't say anything to anyone until a week later when my mum came round, I was standing in the baby's room and my mum suddenly looked really surprised and she said, I'm sure I just saw a black cat behind your legs so I told her that I had seen it too!!
I keep hearing it meow and it's always in Summers room! The other day I saw it poke it's head round the door......In Summers room and last night I clearly heard a loud meow coming through the baby monitor!
I've been in the flat since march and never heard or see anything like that but I've noticed it started happening after Summer was born and I only ever hear it or see it in Summers room.
It's really strange, maybe the cat is her guardian angel or something.....

go to a vicar and get rid of the cat.

cats are not a good animal to have in a babys room. Think about it :|

im not going to say anymore but it might not be a good idea to ignore it.
Cats have been known to guardians for a very long time... Most commonly in Egypt where the Goddess Bast was well renowned for being one of the most powerful goddess, protecting the Pharaoh and the house and home.

Mainly because cats were seen to be the killers of things that caused plagues and pestilence (Rats, insects, snakes etc) in Egyptian times, they were considered to be extremely important and prized above all other animals.

It was not until the middle ages that Cats took on a sinister attribute as being witches familars... but before then many cultures took cats to be a sign of good luck, protection and fortune..


Admittedly having a living breathing cat in a room with a baby is not a good idea, but if you are talking astrally then I can't see why it would be a problem. Preternatural occurrences are common with children and babies because the world hasn't destroyed their sense of innocence. Just the adults choose not to see these things.

For me, the appearance of a cat spirit around my child I would perceive as a good omen, because the cat is the embodiment of the woman, moon, earth, hearth, fertility... What you need to ask yourself is why has it shown itself to you and your mother now.. is it trying to tell you something, or warn you of something? I would be vigilant... the meowing might be it trying to alert you to your child.
:shock: :shock:

Ewww - get someone in. Get shot of it! Brrrrrrr :shock:
Ooh isnt that strange :shock: Dont know if its a good or bad luck thing :?
As squiglet said in ancient egypt Cats were the guardians of the underworld and kept evil at bay and protected the good.

Could be percieved good or bad.
Maybe it doesnt mean anything maybe a cat just died in the house and is sticking by your LO coz she is still an innocent.

my mum was haunted by a dog! lol she woke up one night and there was a big german shepherd next to her bed and she sat up and watched it and it looked at her and she could actually see its eyes and everything then it walked off and disappeared next to the door.
And i was 3 years old at the time and i used to sit for hours in the kitchen talking to an old lady who i could see but nobody else could.

my mum mentioned it to a neighbour just in conversation but only about me not about the dog and the neighbour said that 6 months before we moved in an old lady lived there and she had a german shepherd that died and had been buried in the garden and the old lady had passed away in the room that we had made into the kitchen!!!

we had only been living there a few months when this happened and after a few months i didn't see her anymore. maybe this will happen with the cat he might just be checkin out who's livin in his old house!! lol
Squiglet said:
Cats have been known to guardians for a very long time... Most commonly in Egypt where the Goddess Bast was well renowned for being one of the most powerful goddess, protecting the Pharaoh and the house and home.

Mainly because cats were seen to be the killers of things that caused plagues and pestilence (Rats, insects, snakes etc) in Egyptian times, they were considered to be extremely important and prized above all other animals.

It was not until the middle ages that Cats took on a sinister attribute as being witches familars... but before then many cultures took cats to be a sign of good luck, protection and fortune..


Admittedly having a living breathing cat in a room with a baby is not a good idea, but if you are talking astrally then I can't see why it would be a problem. Preternatural occurrences are common with children and babies because the world hasn't destroyed their sense of innocence. Just the adults choose not to see these things.

For me, the appearance of a cat spirit around my child I would perceive as a good omen, because the cat is the embodiment of the woman, moon, earth, hearth, fertility... What you need to ask yourself is why has it shown itself to you and your mother now.. is it trying to tell you something, or warn you of something? I would be vigilant... the meowing might be it trying to alert you to your child.

More or less what I was going to say :D

Theres no need to be scared of it, none atall, just treat as your babies totum, or animal spirit guide :)
Ooooh, that has really made me get goosepimples!! :shock:

I think if it were an unpleasant spirit you would have sensed it - esp as it made itself known to you.
mystic squiglet made my eyes go :shock:
id talk to a vicar about the cat just incase
If it was a bad spirit then I'm sure it would have one something scary by now but it hasn't and TBH it hasn't scared me at all, well it has a bit but I don't get a bad feeling about it. I think it's just here to look over Summer.
My bofriend is going to london tomorrow and wants to take my digi cam but I didn't think it worked so about 15 mins ago i took a pic of Summer asleep in her cot and when I looked at the pic you can clearly see a black cat looking into the cot. I tried to put it on the comp but I can't find my lead for the camera so will have to do it at my mums tomorrow.
Awww how lovely :D

And ont he upside - at least you don't have to feed it :wink:
Vickyleigh said:
If it was a bad spirit then I'm sure it would have one something scary by now but it hasn't and TBH it hasn't scared me at all, well it has a bit but I don't get a bad feeling about it. I think it's just here to look over Summer.
My bofriend is going to london tomorrow and wants to take my digi cam but I didn't think it worked so about 15 mins ago i took a pic of Summer asleep in her cot and when I looked at the pic you can clearly see a black cat looking into the cot. I tried to put it on the comp but I can't find my lead for the camera so will have to do it at my mums tomorrow.

:shock: :shock: scary , wud be interesting to see a pic :shock: :shock: im scared now :oops:
skairdykat said:
Awww how lovely :D

And ont he upside - at least you don't have to feed it :wink:


Thats very odd though, gave me goosebumps too!
ooh, sounds interesting! look forward to seeing the picture!
Vickyleigh said:
If it was a bad spirit then I'm sure it would have one something scary by now but it hasn't and TBH it hasn't scared me at all, well it has a bit but I don't get a bad feeling about it. I think it's just here to look over Summer.
My bofriend is going to london tomorrow and wants to take my digi cam but I didn't think it worked so about 15 mins ago i took a pic of Summer asleep in her cot and when I looked at the pic you can clearly see a black cat looking into the cot. I tried to put it on the comp but I can't find my lead for the camera so will have to do it at my mums tomorrow.

ITS NOT THE FACT IT MIGHT SCARE YOU. iTS THE FACT THAT CATS ARE NOTORIOUS FOR SMOTHERING BABIES WHILST THEY SLEEP. (soz caps lock) . I would if it were me that is. Get rid of that cat. It could be a bad omen of things to come???
:shock: get in touch with your local vicar.

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