I'm being haunted by a ghost cat!

I have never heard of a baby being smothered. I've worked with animals all my life and i've only seen in reported once.

I dont know whether i would regard it as a good or bad omen or just a coincidence.

Next time you see the cat and just talk to it and ask it to move on, you never know it might work. tell the cat the baby is safe and to leave alone.
budge said:
ITS NOT THE FACT IT MIGHT SCARE YOU. iTS THE FACT THAT CATS ARE NOTORIOUS FOR SMOTHERING BABIES WHILST THEY SLEEP. (soz caps lock) . I would if it were me that is. Get rid of that cat. It could be a bad omen of things to come???
:shock: get in touch with your local vicar.

Yes, budge... but you are talking about those big, fat, scratching your furniture, sheding hair everywhere, vomiting on the carpet, drinking from the toilet, REAL LIVE cats.. (might have a tiny issue with my real life cats atm :rotfl:

Not metaphysical ones that have no corporeal essence about them. :wink: Non corporeal beings would find it very difficult to smother a tea cosy... :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
budge said:
ITS NOT THE FACT IT MIGHT SCARE YOU. iTS THE FACT THAT CATS ARE NOTORIOUS FOR SMOTHERING BABIES WHILST THEY SLEEP. (soz caps lock) . I would if it were me that is. Get rid of that cat. It could be a bad omen of things to come???
:shock: get in touch with your local vicar.

Yes, budge... but you are talking about those big, fat, scratching your furniture, sheding hair everywhere, vomiting on the carpet, drinking from the toilet, REAL LIVE cats.. (might have a tiny issue with my real life cats atm :rotfl:

Not metaphysical ones that have no corporeal essence about them. :wink: Non corporeal beings would find it very difficult to smother a tea cosy... :rotfl:

i didn't laugh at your opinion did i squiglet? :|

i am not saying the phantom cat will smother the baby. Im only saying what it might be representing. It may be a bad omen and i wouldn't want it in my babies room. :)

Your thoery on the reason for the cat in the room was interesting squiglet. im glad you found mine so amusing :)
I can see where your coming from budge, but in all honesty you cant declare it as a bad omen just because a few cases have been reported of cats (accidentally by the way) smothering babies. They are hardly notorious for it. If anything, they are notorious for being protectors, spiritual, and GOOD omens.

At the end of the day though, we can all have our opinions on this cat spirit, but only the person who the cat visits can make that judgment based on the feeling she gets from it.

It may well be a cat that lived in the house previously, perhaps one that had a baby in the family who she looked out for and felt protective towards - as many cats do with human babies - and has come back to make sure this baby is ok.
glitzyglamgirl said:
I can see where your coming from budge, but in all honesty you cant declare it as a bad omen just because a few cases have been reported of cats (accidentally by the way) smothering babies. They are hardly notorious for it. If anything, they are notorious for being protectors, spiritual, and GOOD omens.

At the end of the day though, we can all have our opinions on this cat spirit, but only the person who the cat visits can make that judgment based on the feeling she gets from it.

It may well be a cat that lived in the house previously, perhaps one that had a baby in the family who she looked out for and felt protective towards - as many cats do with human babies - and has come back to make sure this baby is ok.

i am not declaring the cat as an omen good or bad. i am just giving my opinion.
I have an opinion on just about everything as you know. But i also like listening to others. i would never laugh at anyones personal opinion. Thats just rude.
pics :O gonna txt my mum and see what she thinks. she believes in ghosts and seem them even on most haunted and i cant lol i have seen and felt/heard ghosts and pets tho :)
budge said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
I can see where your coming from budge, but in all honesty you cant declare it as a bad omen just because a few cases have been reported of cats (accidentally by the way) smothering babies. They are hardly notorious for it. If anything, they are notorious for being protectors, spiritual, and GOOD omens.

At the end of the day though, we can all have our opinions on this cat spirit, but only the person who the cat visits can make that judgment based on the feeling she gets from it.

It may well be a cat that lived in the house previously, perhaps one that had a baby in the family who she looked out for and felt protective towards - as many cats do with human babies - and has come back to make sure this baby is ok.

i am not declaring the cat as an omen good or bad. i am just giving my opinion.
I have an opinion on just about everything as you know. But i also like listening to others. i would never laugh at anyones personal opinion. Thats just rude.

I dont think squiglet was laughing at you, just the image it conjured up. You gotta admit....the image of a ghost cat trying to smother anything is quite amusing :lol:

But yeah, thats not actually what you meant and thats cool, no-one is laughing at your actual opinion, its just a funny image thats all :)
glitzyglamgirl said:
budge said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
I can see where your coming from budge, but in all honesty you cant declare it as a bad omen just because a few cases have been reported of cats (accidentally by the way) smothering babies. They are hardly notorious for it. If anything, they are notorious for being protectors, spiritual, and GOOD omens.

At the end of the day though, we can all have our opinions on this cat spirit, but only the person who the cat visits can make that judgment based on the feeling she gets from it.

It may well be a cat that lived in the house previously, perhaps one that had a baby in the family who she looked out for and felt protective towards - as many cats do with human babies - and has come back to make sure this baby is ok.

i am not declaring the cat as an omen good or bad. i am just giving my opinion.
I have an opinion on just about everything as you know. But i also like listening to others. i would never laugh at anyones personal opinion. Thats just rude.

I dont think squiglet was laughing at you, just the image it conjured up. You gotta admit....the image of a ghost cat trying to smother anything is quite amusing :lol:

But yeah, thats not actually what you meant and thats cool, no-one is laughing at your actual opinion, its just a funny image thats all :)

the imagage of someone sat at home actually thinkng that i meant the phantom ghost cat was going to smother the baby is funnier :|
where my nan used to live i was walking upstairs and saw this black thing scuttle from my room all way to bathroom and disappeared through the door. bathroom door was shut so mine was open i think. now my grandad had past away like a few week before that or something like that. i was wondering if that was his spirit or thinking about it if it was a pet that came back to see me :)

i saw a tall black shadow sometime bout a year ago now at my oh's mum house . was like 3am in morning or something, everyone was asleep. i walked through it and my eyes shut etc and i felt tired. think that may of been my grandad or some other spirit here. as a several weeks later. they had a table in the living room not where all dead people go lol i heard a bang on the table was a dining table like someone got a big book or their hand and whacked it or their hand down on it.again only me here. oh also has heard stuff in here. where his mums pc is ive felt cold there and heard noises. outside our bedroom in the house nr the front door cause this is a bungalow ive heard voice and one said my name. strange.

ok txted my mum and she says if its a cat and not a shadow of a spirit means a guardian angel. someone watching over yr baby. the way i described it cause i can only send 1pg per tct on my phone grrr mum thinks im talking about emily lol just told her its someone on preg forum.

budge said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
budge said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
I can see where your coming from budge, but in all honesty you cant declare it as a bad omen just because a few cases have been reported of cats (accidentally by the way) smothering babies. They are hardly notorious for it. If anything, they are notorious for being protectors, spiritual, and GOOD omens.

At the end of the day though, we can all have our opinions on this cat spirit, but only the person who the cat visits can make that judgment based on the feeling she gets from it.

It may well be a cat that lived in the house previously, perhaps one that had a baby in the family who she looked out for and felt protective towards - as many cats do with human babies - and has come back to make sure this baby is ok.

i am not declaring the cat as an omen good or bad. i am just giving my opinion.
I have an opinion on just about everything as you know. But i also like listening to others. i would never laugh at anyones personal opinion. Thats just rude.

I dont think squiglet was laughing at you, just the image it conjured up. You gotta admit....the image of a ghost cat trying to smother anything is quite amusing :lol:

But yeah, thats not actually what you meant and thats cool, no-one is laughing at your actual opinion, its just a funny image thats all :)

the imagage of someone sat at home actually thinkng that i meant the phantom ghost cat was going to smother the baby is funnier :|

i know it sounds wierd but as soon as i entered this topic and read about ghost cat in babys room only i was thinking omg what if it smothers the baby. if a bad spirit cat then i think its possible. it had entered my head.

maybe that was the cats room or something where it was aloud to sleep so its just checking whos init now. i would defo speak to a vicar and ask Q's.
budge said:
the imagage of someone sat at home actually thinkng that i meant the phantom ghost cat was going to smother the baby is funnier :|

Yes but that's because I am a sad lonely person, who has an active and vivid imagination and I was sitting at him imagining you describing a ghost cat smothering the baby... :rotfl: And I don't mind if you laugh at me about it.. :)

I honestly didn't mean to offend you in that way budge.. I wasn't laughing at your opinion, your opinion that its a bad omen is a valid one, as I said... it could be trying to pass on information about a bad thing that could happen, in which case its not a bad omen as such but a good one, as it's giving you precognition of future events...

it's the image of a ghost cat smothering a baby that I found funny... :D
Squiglet said:
budge said:
the imagage of someone sat at home actually thinkng that i meant the phantom ghost cat was going to smother the baby is funnier :|

Yes but that's because I am a sad lonely person, who has an active and vivid imagination and I was sitting at him imagining you describing a ghost cat smothering the baby... :rotfl: And I don't mind if you laugh at me about it.. :)

I honestly didn't mean to offend you in that way budge.. I wasn't laughing at your opinion, your opinion that its a bad omen is a valid one, as I said... it could be trying to pass on information about a bad thing that could happen, in which case its not a bad omen as such but a good one, as it's giving you precognition of future events...

it's the image of a ghost cat smothering a baby that I found funny... :D

i felt you were mocking my post squiglet.
anyhow im in a bad mood today. I hung some washing out and it rained and the washing not only got soaking wet but fell off the line onto the muddy grass :x :x :x
Im without a car too so im stuck in the house.

So really its probably me being too touchy not you at all. other days it probably wouldn't have bothered me.

budge said:
Squiglet said:
budge said:
the imagage of someone sat at home actually thinkng that i meant the phantom ghost cat was going to smother the baby is funnier :|

Yes but that's because I am a sad lonely person, who has an active and vivid imagination and I was sitting at him imagining you describing a ghost cat smothering the baby... :rotfl: And I don't mind if you laugh at me about it.. :)

I honestly didn't mean to offend you in that way budge.. I wasn't laughing at your opinion, your opinion that its a bad omen is a valid one, as I said... it could be trying to pass on information about a bad thing that could happen, in which case its not a bad omen as such but a good one, as it's giving you precognition of future events...

it's the image of a ghost cat smothering a baby that I found funny... :D

i felt you were mocking my post squiglet.
anyhow im in a bad mood today. I hung some washing out and it rained and the washing not only got soaking wet but fell off the line onto the muddy grass :x :x :x
Im without a car too so im stuck in the house.

So really its probably me being too touchy not you at all. other days it probably wouldn't have bothered me.


It's ok budge... I just conjured up this weird image in my head, which included tea cosies being smothered too... :) Plus I can totally accept you being hacked off... It rained the other day, got my stuff wet and my knickers fell off the line on to downstairs patio and I had to round and ask for them back :oops: I was pretty hacked off for the day after that :hug: :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
budge said:
Squiglet said:
budge said:
the imagage of someone sat at home actually thinkng that i meant the phantom ghost cat was going to smother the baby is funnier :|

Yes but that's because I am a sad lonely person, who has an active and vivid imagination and I was sitting at him imagining you describing a ghost cat smothering the baby... :rotfl: And I don't mind if you laugh at me about it.. :)

I honestly didn't mean to offend you in that way budge.. I wasn't laughing at your opinion, your opinion that its a bad omen is a valid one, as I said... it could be trying to pass on information about a bad thing that could happen, in which case its not a bad omen as such but a good one, as it's giving you precognition of future events...

it's the image of a ghost cat smothering a baby that I found funny... :D

i felt you were mocking my post squiglet.
anyhow im in a bad mood today. I hung some washing out and it rained and the washing not only got soaking wet but fell off the line onto the muddy grass :x :x :x
Im without a car too so im stuck in the house.

So really its probably me being too touchy not you at all. other days it probably wouldn't have bothered me.


... It rained the other day, got my stuff wet and my knickers fell off the line on to downstairs patio and I had to round and ask for them back :

:rotfl: my bad day has somehow now pailed into insignificance :rotfl:
budge said:
:rotfl: my bad day has somehow now pailed into insignificance :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: It wouldn't have been so bad if they were nice ones... but they were a battered old pair of thongs with holes in them, and it was the little old man who opened the door... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i want to see the photo of the cat! (getting back on topic! :D )
There are people who are "Animal Comminicators" or basically animal psychics.....I'm incredibly dubious about the whole thing, however I did once have a lady do a reading for my mare :D I didn't know much about her history but from what other people said with the readings that she had done for them, she was pretty accurate.

It could be worth you trying to find someone like this to come round and chat to you? Although don't they say that not all ghost animals are the spirits of animals, but humans too?

I'm of the cynical until proven otherwise opinion.......unless I'm on my own at night, where I very much believe in scary thing :lol: :lol:
i felt my cat sammy on the end of my bed once (she had just
died aged 18 and we had her since a kitten)
i see what budge was saying cats have been well known to sit on
babies faces and smother them..its not always thought to be accidental either as someone (cant remember who) said. if its a cat you had before baby was born they can get jealous.
obviously this doesnt count in the case of this spirit cat but its not a good
association to have in your mind, certainly not as comforting as the guardian/keeping evil at bay theory.
i would ask it to move on, try lighting a white candle in the room,
imagine the whole room bathed in white light and ask the cat to move on and for baby to be kept safe. If you still see the cat and feel unnerved get
a vicar in.

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