I'm being haunted by a ghost cat!

oh this all sounds a bit bizar! Lets see the pic(s)!!
If it was me I'd put down some food and some water and see if it eats any. Is there no way it could be a real cat? We had 2 strays that used to come in our cat flap (until we bought a magnetic one). They used to make a beeline for Isaac's room too. They started spraying everywhere too the dirty buggers. Can you smell a cat?

I'm sure I read you say earlier you live in a flat. I'm in a house so it was easy for the cats to get in when I wasn't looking.

Come on lets see the pic!!!!

Errrr....just had a thought...maybe it was a big black spider!!! :shock: Wouldn't explain the meowing on the baby monitor though :think:

pic pic pic pic!!!!!
I'd def be interested to see this pic :think:

I do believe in afterlife etc but until I see someting solid i'll always remain sceptical :?
oh i was looking forwardv to seeing thepic!! xxx
has anyone heard from vickyleigh lately? i hope all is well :shock:
Ghost cat eh? Pics eh? In-ter-est-ing.

While I believe in the existence of the paranormal, I am having trouble believing this business with the pic. If we could photograph ghosts then nobody would have any trouble at all believing in them.

When I was a small child, I saw a little old lady who nobody could see in my house. My father later (much) told me that she answered descriptions of an elderly relative. I remember her saying something to me but not understanding what she said.

My father has seen things he couldn't explain either, but the strangest one was my brother. He was working as a handyman in an old school, the school we all attended. He was painting a classroom in the old part of the building that would have been attached to the convent and is over three hundred years old. There is a steep staircase just outside this room. My brother began to feel quite cold and very sad - and as though he was being watched. He turned around and there was a man standing in the corner of the room, watching him. He was wearing old fashioned overalls. As my brother watched, he just faded away into thin air.

Later when he asked one of the nuns, she said that a workman had been killed moving a piano down that stairs outside. It had fallen on him and crushed him to death.

THAT stood my hair on end. :shock:

But yes, I would like to see the pic of the ghost cat. How will we be able to tell if it's a ghost cat and not a real cat?

Stray cats can get in anywhere. I once found one under my bed. :shock:

thats true stray cats get everywhere.
my brother used to leave his downstaris window open all night and one morning he came downstairs in the nude to find a half scared out its wits tom cat in his living room. The tom cat was so scared it attacked my brother and as he was naked his crown jewels were the first thing it atacked. He never came downstaris naked again i can tell you.
ill beleive this more if i see a pic i think im not too sure if i beleive in it all - thye whole life after death i mean
i was in totnes years ago now when i was walking with an ex bf i saw a face appear above the trees then it went, i asked him if he saw it and he said no. i was like ok then. ive seen stuff heard stuff and felt my pet cats.

where my dad used to live in kingsteignton in newton abbot theres a whole street there forget where but he said to me have u seen our lovely neighbours. i looked over the wall :shock: was only a graveyard there :O i was like nice :D

i stayed there one night and never again. i had probs sleeping there and heard someone in the kitchen making a cup of tea. heard the sound of the kettle boil and the stirring of the spoon then tap tap on the cup to get the whatever left on the spoon. got up looked down the stairs to see the chair against the door cause the dog would push it open or something and everything pitch black no-one there.i was like ooook. questioned my dad and his ex the next day and he said they had a light or chandlier above a glass table and it fell down and broke the table. my dad would straighten a picture up every morning cause the spooks would move it so its on an angle.
i think cats are definitely linked to the afterlife in someway. My friends into all this stuff and apparently they are all mystical and sort of 'attatch' themselves to their humans.

My nan died a few years ago, and she kept telling her nurse that her cat, Suki, was going with her when she went. We just humoured her cos she was very ill, but she was very insistant. 3 weeks after my nan passed, my grandad found suki curled up as if she was asleep...she was dead. She died peacfully in her sleep just like my nan.

Then this morning we had to have our cat put down, and he used to belong to my grandad. We looked after him since my grandad passed last xmas. Today was the years anniversary of my grandads death and peppi had all the same stuff wrong with him. All his organs were basically sghutting down I found it weird that this happened exactly a year after my grandad passed.

I know its only 2 examples but i like to think you get little animal buddies that follow you into the next world (or whatever it is).

Also my firend spoke to a clairvoyant after her dad died, and the lady said that that her dad was there with William.....William was her dads cat that died 2 weeks after her father! Weird.......But i like to believe this stuff so im probably reading too much into it :rotfl: I just find it comforting!
pah this thread is a phoney one!

wheres the photo of the so called phantom pussy!!! i wanna see it
ohh jesus id be out that the flat like lightning, anything like that scares me shitless

let us know the outcome though
Animals are not unstrange to the 'spirit world', they like to hang around their owners/previous owners/homes and such. A cat is very curious in life, as it is and I bet she was just getting a good old wiff of what was going on. There is no harm with her, but she'll stay put, purr and all. I wouldn't worry, she is a friendly soul but she is attached your your grandma 'vicky', I'm seeing a very old cat, around the 14yr mark.

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